Silence of the... tssss, fawking.... I got it, I got it

66  2017-11-19 by aPersonStranded


I can smell your pits or sumtin

Wow, ive asked on this sub before and someone referenced this scene, but fuck is that awful

The accent is awful


She's a captain in the Chip Armey.

Nah plaze. Nah

tss fuggin nailed it #crakkinuplikeamug

Clarice Clarinson

She's dishy. I'd take her out for a malted and then fill her pussy full of shit

dat boy hanible creepy as a mug, ya herd wat i sed?

U herrd wut i sed?

I can smell ur fawkin cunt.

....and also my peckah.

What are you like a buncha Russian jets or sumptin?

What did Miggs say to you?

He said.. I can smell your cootah.

Remember when she has a jizz load thrown at her face in this movie?