Aaaaaaalways the victim...

102  2017-11-18 by Dawgsie


He's knows he'll be constantly tortured and humiliated even more so if he goes anywhere hear CM. If KTC really thinks Opie is the dream scenario the network is doomed.

he'll be constantly tortured and humiliated

I mean dunno about you friendo but that's a dream scenario in my book

He should do the Chip Chipperson show just to he bashed for a solid hour.

If he had even a small amount of talent he could do the chip show and constantly take jabs at Norton as if him and chip aren't same person. Could redeem himself but he's useless.

Damn the insecurities just flow out of him. Im sure Carl threw his phone after seeing that. He is helpless if he doesnt have leverage or the highest position. This is probably the best opportunity on the table for him and he cant bring himself to do it. I dont feel sorry for any of this downfall. The guy has been a phony the whole time and now cant hide from it.

Judging by the replies, his fans are starting to give up on the brother man

I know, this one made me particularly sad,

Mr. Gregg Hughes. Please update your credit card information to continue your FollowBot subscription.

He's holding a grudge like a bitter woman. He can't work at CM because he wont be in a power position and people will actually call him out on his bullshit and he absolutely can't handle that. Any form of criticism sends him into a bitch fit and he's not funny or talented to justify being such a high maintenance faggot. He can't even put his ego aside long enough to do what's right for his family and the few people that actually call him a friend. He's a piece of shit and I'm glad that life is letting him know that in a cruel way.

to do what's right for his family

Kill himself?

holding a grudge like a bitter woman.

You'd be a bitter woman if people talked about your cup size behind your back.

Isn't that every woman?

In the cards

This nigga worse than a bitch.

That piece of shit just had his "friend" Chris D, on his desperate pop up show, telling the guy how bad his career is going and this fat titter cunt doesn't have the balls to accept what would be a decent pay day for him and his "guys" because his name won't be on the marquee. What a narcissistic egomaniac. The hate for this so called man is absolutely justifiable and shouldn't end till someone smashes his cake while he begs for change in the gutter.

Or begs for change in the guitar, the thing Sandy Kane put her begging change into. Tss.

At least she’s in a movie with potential Oscar buzz

good, keep making those facebook shows you fat titted hobo. that'll get the numbahs!

Fucking asshole was practically offered a job and he says no way because he got an honest ball-busting for once

good. i have zero interest in hearing opie and ant awkwardly conversate once a week. i’ll take the continued jabs from jim and ant on the chip podcast over that.


It's where you have a conversation but secretly masturbate, a la Louis CK.

yeah, conversate

(the word you were looking for was Converse.)

(like some fuckin shoes or sumpin')

Screen shot

So he supposedly turned down a terrestrial gig that would've paid him and the cuban each a minimum $250k per year. Then he refuses to humble himself to take a gig at CM for his guys that would probably be a decent salary... No wonder why even Cuban won't return his phone calls anymore. What a selfish, self-important, egotistical piece of garbage. At least consider the other people you dragged into your little circle and their livelyhoods.


He still thinks he is equals with Howard Stern apparently.

Craig Carton before the FBI raided his place in September was making $250,000 a year at WFAN on the biggest sports stations in the country and someone who had close to 25 years radio experience. No way was any radio executive paying Carl fucking Ruz $250K a year. This is just another Opie lie that somehow that fucking moron Ruiz believed.

I guess it's just Anthony being a pussy, but the way he acts makes it seem like Keith holds something over him where Anthony has to do (or at least entertain) whatever he says or whatever ideas he comes up with even though he has proven himself to be incompetent countless times.

It's pretty obvious Anthony (and almost everyone else) never really wanted to have Opie join their network, but Keith still wants it to happen regardless.

That is only because Keith thinks O+A still has some kind of large brand appeal. Like suddenly a few hundred thousand fans of the O+A show are going to come out of the woodwork and throw their money at Compound Media if Opie joins. "How can someone be this stupid?" you make ask. The answer is: It's Keith. A dumb guinea who has botched countless things for the network. If Anthony actually hired someone who knew what the fuck they were doing he might be making millions by now. Someone who didn't totally fuck up by not immediately putting lots of quality clips on youtube for people to see, botching deals with talent, hiring shit companies to do your website and apps, etc. Also Keith is a dumb wop who bought a yacht.

it still infuriates me how he fucked up that deal with Ronny B.... never trust a fucking cop

He still can't figure out how to not give away the audio for free too. Stupid cop.

I thought he was quitting Twitter.

Opie, dude, EITHER GET BACK WITH ANTHONY ON COMPOUND MEDIA OR FUCK OFF AND RETIRE. It's your last life boat. Get on it or die.

As much as I shit on all of them, I’m still a fan of pretty much everyone from the show, and I am maybe the only one left here who actually likes Opie (I know, kill myself). He still has some hopeless old-days fans who are loyal to a fault and now even they are turning on him. I stopped feeling bad for him about a year ago. Now I actually don’t care if he ever speaks on the radio again. I would enjoy a weekly O&A show, and it truly is in his hands to do it, but his refusal is the last straw. He is worried that he’s going to take terrible phone calls, have awful comments thrown at him, etc. This isn’t about Anthony taking shots. This is about his fear of the fanbase.

Titty-boy lover.

waaaaaaaahh! He called me an asshole at the Chip roast!


Would you like to take a trucker's perspective?


What actually happens is worse.

Maybe I have some FAWKIN knowledge on when to go to phone calls......sip.....exhale... I've just been doing this since I was 18 years old!

How hard can working for Anthony honestly be? Jesus the guy employes Artie. Opie would literally be able to do whatever he wanted, including taking cheap shots at people. Serious insecurities with this guy.

Because he knows he wouldn't be in charge and have to bow to Ant and Keef.

Because his paychecks will be signed "Human Garbage".

Opie will never permit Keith and Anthony to be his boss. I guarantee it wasn't an even split with Opie and Anthony since Opie brought Anthony on. He won't work for Anthony and especially not Keith.

Ant should make him answer to East Side Dave

So he’d rather be unemployed? What a fucking EDP.

Screenshot you fuck

Take some shots back you baby. He associated with people who lived for that kind of stuff for many years.

He's such a fucking pussy. Thin skinned pussy.

What does everyone think of Bill Schulz? He's a bit boring but I like his guests

He probably has enough money and investments to never have to work again. Given that radio was so forced for him, I am thinking he prefers his retirement over getting back in the game. I don't know why he just doesn't come out and say it. Maybe he's trying to hedge his bets, but he's going to end up burning more bridges than by saying he's tapping out (at least for now).

I’m really not sure about that. He has an expensive place in Manhattan and a beach house in the Hamptons. The upkeep, mortgage, taxes, etc can get VERY expensive. He even mentioned in his stupid pop up video that he is burning through money. I actually passed his beach house yesterday. It’s dog shit compared to the rest of the homes on the block, but it’s still expensive.

Why do you people continue to give this taintgoblin attention?

Because it's hilarious to watch a man descend into madness.

O&A died when they lost K-Rock in NY.


Jesus christ how does he not realize most of those so called shots were just busting balls.

Because he’s the most insecure piece of shit on this planet.

To be fair, pretty much everyone he's ever worked with takes frequent shots at him. Even that fat Nagle boy.

Meanwhile the real show we're looking for is Ant, Jim, and I guess Artie since he's already in the mix but also bring on comedians like the old days and just bash on topical and random stuff without juggs in the studio, not that hard Keith u Neanderthal fuck

I’m really not sure about that. He has an expensive place in Manhattan and a beach house in the Hamptons. The upkeep, mortgage, taxes, etc can get VERY expensive. He even mentioned in his stupid pop up video that he is burning through money. I actually passed his beach house yesterday. It’s dog shit compared to the rest of the homes on the block, but it’s still expensive.