Gene Simmons, serial sexual harasser, says "enough is enough".

19  2017-11-18 by RBuddCumia


do i even have to say it?

Written proof that men will say anything to keep getting laid.


Gene was apparentl just banned from Fox for..... "“According to a knowledgeable Fox News source, Simmons showed up on the 14th floor to do a book-plugging interview with’s entertainment section, but instead barged in on a staff meeting uninvited.

“‘Hey chicks, sue me!’ he shouted, and then pulled open his red velvet shirt to reveal his chest and belly, according to the source. Then he starting telling Michael Jackson pedophilia jokes, and then bopped two employees on the head with his book, making derisive comments about their comparative intelligence according to the sound their heads made when struck.

“’It was pretty severe,’ the source said.”"

I'm sorry, but that's hilarious.

wait did this really happen?

The time it took you to write that, you could've Googled it.

wait did this really happen?

I did but im on page 5 and still cant find anything

The bopping on the head with his book is awesome. That would be so humiliating and infuriating

Tip your hat to woman as a hole

C'mom, guuuuuuys!

Typical shape shifter jew when it comes down to gaining or losing shekels

Getting mad at gene simmons for making money is like getting mad at the sun for rising

The fucking BASS PLAYER from Kiss is an all-knowing expert on everything these days. Gene has a gassy opinion on everything and he's never afraid to voice those opinions, even when he obviously has no earthly clue. When he dies he'll have a coin operated turnstile at his grave site.

He's an awful bass player on top of it all. Fuck Jim and his retarded tongue.

You're retarded, and obviously don't play bass and haven't heard his playing. You're just forming a vague opinion of it based on your already vague idea of what KISS is

I don't mind Gene's stage persona and I like some Kiss music. But off stage the guy is a totally annoying gasbag, a stootz of the highest magnitude. He has that really grating way of speaking, with that condescending know-it-all tone of his and a vastly bloated sense of self-importance that's all out of proportion to who he actually is...the fucking bass player in Kiss.

Google his net worth and you'll see that ts not unwarranted confidence. He is actually genuinely, objectively better than you. He is able to acquire more resources and have a much better life, which is the measurement of an organisms fitness that matters, not if they're a "cool person on the inside" lol

He never sexually harassed Jill Niccolini. He flirted with her, and Anthony had to phrase it that way to cope with what happened. Even when he does an impression of Gene, he makes Gene say what anthoy would want him to say "Oh Anthony, why are you being insecure, she wasn't interested so it was fine."

If you listen to that interview with Gene, he only makes the "maybe I'll fuck your girlfriend" comment after getting irritated that anthony continues to criticise and question Gene's lifestyle and values, and implies that his time isn't being well spent and he should just enjoy the succcess, and is dismissive about his business ventures.

Know your KISStory faggot. All Hail the God Of Thunder

At first I thought this comment was going to be him saying "It's up to women. You need to stop being pussies and stand up for yourself." But no