The worst person in the O&A Universe?

1  2017-11-18 by [deleted]





past few years? Ant's gay lover Keith the cop. He comes across like a real cunt on wheels

Toss up between Joe Derosa and Joe Cumia

As a human being, Di. For just bad radio, Sherrod.

Way to shit on our service men

Opie Roberts

Opie, then...Sherrod.

All the selfish Fucks that killed themselves. Patrice,Otto, Geraldo,and Steve.Rot in hell you cocksuckers.

As far as causing harm to those around them, to their community, and society? My semi-serious answer is probably Lady Di.

She abandoned her child (ABANDONED MY BOY!!), routinely drove around drunk in a vehicle that didn’t even belong to her, leeched everything off of her roommate, probably caused her husband to kill himself. Now that I think about it, she never really expressed gratitude towards anyone that tried to help her, including Bill & Marion who were both bizarrely devoted and caring towards Di.

If I were a little more melodramatic, I would classify Di as evil. I can’t really say that about anyone else involved with O&A, not even Opie.

She was my pick as well. Not for the same admirable reasons though. Just her voice and inability to interact with people made me want to smash my radio whenever her awful voice was on.

I like Sherrod. He’s a real funny comic- Jim Norton. No ya don’t jim. Shut the fuck up.

Opie, DeRosa, sherrod, oakerson, matarese

i mean that one guy did literally commit infantocide

All of them.

Danny Ross


The fans.

Tie between Roland and Troy. Roland is an absolute joke and Troy is a cunt