Bobo is still conning people his mother fell in last winters snow.

2  2017-11-18 by Dennyislife


Would be more believable if he said the money was for astronaut and doctor college

Wasnt she at ants halloween party? Kinda funny that hes pushing it again during the holiday season. Bobo is a lying piece of shit. Go fund me should force him to prove it with medical bills.

In totally unrelated news bobo has got really fat this year.

I need money for mozzarella sticks, awwlroght


Bobo was openly bragging about attending Mets games all season long while simultaneously begging for money. It's like he's dumb or something.

He was on the verge of going to the World Series in Florida until someone called him out on it.

He's also shopping for Mets gear. What a coincidence.

I hate him so fucking much. I hope he ends up like patrice except he doesnt die right away

When his mom dies he'll be homeless. There's plenty of misery in store for him, fear not.