Best Whack Packer of the O and A/Stern Universe?

8  2017-11-18 by WhippingHuskies

My personal favorite is Elegant Elliot. I drove by him once when he was jogging in a dress up 5th ave. and shouted his name. He looked at me, cupped his nuts, and screamed a string on incoherent obscenities.


Stern: Beetlejuice

O&A: Bobo

I used to dislike Bobo, but he really grew on me. Now when I listen to old broadcasts, I never skip any of his appearances. Personally I think Sandy Kane was the best on O and A.

She'd be my #2 pick, but Bobo had more memorable moments. People aren't putting up Sandy Kane quotes.

Dildo FUCK shows.

Conventional wisdom. But correct.

Stern: Beetlejuice O &A: Lady Di

Low key though would love to hear the meeting of the minds of both Bobo’s. Want to know which is the smarter Bobo

Bobo wins that one hands down.

Stern; Eric the Midget

O&A; Tippy Tom

I forgot about Tom because I always thought of the homeless guys as a different group than the freaks. But if they're all grouped together he's probably funnier than Bobo. Him reading the Penthouse on air was funnier than any Bobo moment.

Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf over Eric any day.

Can't really argue that.

Opie on Opie and Anthony. Letting a retard host a show and embarrass himself for our entertainment for 20 years has provided me with so many laughs

elliot is banned from the sirius building so A&A should really have him on since he is local. he has had a really interesting life, he made millions back in the 80s stealing light bulbs and other consumer goods. he would set up fake companies and have them front him goods and then he would take them and sell them to someone else. they had an nypd task force set up to catch him and he only ending up doing a couple years in prison.

Don't forget the time he laid out that cocksucker Joe Corsin


"He was disrespecting my father in the Stage Delicatessen. Three hundred terrified, horrified witnesses saw me leave Joe Corsin, Maitre d, bouncer bleeding! Right?! Hemorrhaging from the mouth! Cops were gonna pinch me! We squashed the beef with seventy-five hundred CASH!"

shut your mouth cunt face, riiiight!!!

close your mouth cuntface

Stern : bettlejuice

O&A : Rich Vos


The Beattles are my favorite band.

Nobody is going to mention Fleet Admiral Lady Di? Bunch of unpatriotic kneelers if you ask me.

I am with you. None of the other freaks would’ve been able to put up an entire week of consistently funny radio like she did with her internship.

Tippy Tom and Sandy Kane could.

They hurt her with overuse. Especially when Anthony was fired and Opie's go-to joke was putting her on to annoy Jim. And that time he thought it was hilarious to call her to say she was supposed to be on the show to interview Pope Francis and even she wasn't dumb enough to fall for it.

It’s Admiral Orbani and there’s no close second. The Di YouTube clips are so worth repeated visits more than any other character. She never disappointed.

When EE got into it against Gary cause of his 5 minute plug was just ridiculous

Eric the Midget or Evil Dave Letterman. Evil Dave screwing up jokes was good then the actual guy was even more fucked up, he brought a girl from his job to their dating game and claimed they were dating and it all fell apart for him.

Hank the angry drunken dwarf and Bobo

Elliot. He scared the shit out of Stern.Right Stern,gangster style.Samcro Joe he's a gifted one.

Bob levy

Lady di


Also, even though I think the KKK is kind of goofy I actually really like Daniel Carver, especially early appearances from the 90s where some fat black lady would yell at him and he would calmly shut her down

Hank had consistent good-to-great appearances, whereas Beet or Eric would be overused or not go with the bit. Maybe if he lived I’d end up feeling the same way about Hank, but his little candle burned too quickly.

For O&A I might say Bobby Lee, because they always got him to tell a humiliating story or say something he regretted instantly. If he doesn’t count, then I pick Scorch. If we could all live in delusion like Scorch the world would be a better place. He’s a nobody that thinks he’s a star, but for some reason I can’t hate on him. PFG TV & Paws for a Cause are classic segments

Stern: Eric the Midget or High Pitch Eric.

O&A: Lady Di.

Stern: Crackhead Bob

O&A: Frenchie for kicking Opie's ass. Opie denies this ever happened and claims he won the fight.

Tippy Tom and Sandy Kane could.