Does anyone else hate short guys?

7  2017-11-18 by TinKnockinMoroccan

You're fucking 5'5". Big deal. The only reason women don't want to fuck you is because you complain about tall privilege all the time. It's like a girl who is 145 pounds whining about body image.


I hate everyone nigga

I'm 6'1"; I have nothing to worry about.

Except aids and the lords judgement upon deviants.

I dont hate them.

Its just funny to see short guy, and because of their complex, many of them try to overcompensate buy trying to be muscular and scary looking. Those are the funniest ones.

Few of those attacked me in the past. I had to place my hand on midgets head so they cant reach me, more than once.

I think chill, muscular short dudes are fine. They're just gaming the system to appear bigger than they really are. But so many manlets feel the need to be aggro and start something as you say.

I think chill, muscular short dudes are fine.

Intriguing fetish.

JRE is my pornhub

Did ya?

muscular midget?

Nope tall, and can see a really corny liar from a mile away.

you have a huge mirror?

People that complain about "privilege" are always fun to br around. I thought it was just an internet meme, but people actually spew that shit in real life.

Naw fat guys are the worst. They are disgusting to look at

no, i hate tall guys. always fucking supermodels and making 100k in your corner offices. you guys are really something.

I'm 5'5". But I'm white and athletic. I'm okay with that arrangement. There's no such thing as tall privilege

uh oh bros we got a manlet here

DM me. I have an offer involving a Velcro suit and a giant dartboard.

Short white and athletic. You're either a leprechaun or a midget wrestler

When her weight starts with a 2.

I never really thought about it but now that you mention it, yes they should all be drowned in a sack like unwanted kittens.

Please visit r /short. If you don't hate short guys, you will after visiting that sub. Full of self hating little fellas.

Holy shit. They put their heights in their flairs and the top post is currently "Where are all the body positive ads for short men?" I didn't really discriminate against the short before, but I will now.

r/short has banned quite a few people from here lol

I don't believe in alphas and betas, but those boys are beta.

I'm short and fawk a lot of fawking women to be honest wif ya.

Lats just focus on hating Opie and the N persons

I forgot the link to that essay he wrote called "If I were tall for a day".

My roommate is a short, mumbling Mexican. So the answer is yes

I was talking to a manager I worked with who was wearing a nice Italian leather jacket. I complemented him on it and he said "Thanks, it's hard finding clothes my size as I'm 5'3". I hadn't realised he was tiny. He was really confident so it didn't show. I guess the moral of the story is that we are all special and should try our hardest.

Confident short guys are awesome to be around. They tend to have no ego and make great leaders.

How can they have no ego when they're confident?

Confidence and ego are different things. You would know this if you had ever done jiu jitsu or run hills.


Yes the whole world hates them. r/short is a good substitute now that r/incels is banned if you ever want to feel better about yourself.

muscular midget?