Jerry Jones, my nigga

0  2017-11-17 by crookedmile


Jesus, how is that comment "racially charged"?

Rich old white man said something publicly. Its racist. duh.

What is there to be offended about? He could have said "blonde girl" and it would have been ok?

oh no, NFL had this dirt on him for years and since hes getting in the way of Goodell extension, boss had to Donald Sterling this mug

Whats that weird noise and strange breathing they all did after he said that absolutely horrible thing?

Is... is that what the old ones called, "laughter?" In the before time, i heard that jokes were fun and not morality speeches.

racially charged is a phrase made up by “””journalists””” to create all the delicious buzz and controversy you get from racism, even when it’s not actually there.

when the entire news industry is profiting by reporting every audible “crack” in society, then the world is a much better place for them when it’s covered in eggshells.

did you ever notice how it’s so easy to logically dissect and dismantle shitty articles? how you can’t think of one person in your personal life who thinks they way (((they))) do? it’s almost as if being logical and reasonable isn’t their priority.

there is a very clear agenda here. stop clicking the clickbait, you miserable fucking faggots.

That fucking pedophile Roger Goodwill is using this to blackmail JJ, because there's no way he hasn't been recorded talking shit about his pack of nigger slaves.