Tsss what is the longest river in Europe?

112  2017-11-17 by Chip_Cumia

Can't tell ya, it's too Volga!!! tssssssss https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_River


hahahahaha hooooollllyyyyy shhhiiiiiitttttt

Someone make this video clip PLSSSS

fukin homerun!

fawkin hilareous wait wait.. wait.. tss wats da least experinced river in Europe? FAWKIN DANUBE!

take us out pig

Homerun throwawizzlemahnizzl! tsss river huma

tss jokers wild or sumthin

Arles you going to tell another?

Tsss this river reminds me of what my motha used to call Lamar. She is a rubenesque woman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niger_River

Now you've taken it too far, Chip.

Pechora River

The Pechora River (Russian: Печо́ра; Komi: Печӧра; Nenets: Санэроˮ яха) is a river in northwest Russia which flows north into the Arctic Ocean on the west side of the Ural Mountains. It lies mostly in the Komi Republic but the northernmost part crosses the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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Get aids.

Your parents don't love autism.

Geographic hyuma

Even more volga "It is also Europe's largest river in terms of discharge". Only rivaled by lady Di in the states.


I can't believe that's an actual Wikipedia link and not a disguised Rich Vos image.

Some Limey who thinks us Americans are too dumb to know the longest river in Europestan

tssss FAWK YEAH geeografy yumah

These are way too clever for Chip


I wish you'd all go for a swim in Ebola River.

That's crass

River of pecka juice

Chip is a character of a high school dropout. You don't learn European geography until college.

Lol, only a high school dropout would think such an idiotic thing.

While you were out partying and getting blown, I was studying the globe.


Jump off the tippy dam or sompthin... tssssss tsssss

Tippy Dam

Tippy Dam or Tippy Hydro was built 1918 and is a hydroelectric dam operated by Consumers Energy. The original name of the dam was Junction Hydro, but it was renamed to honor a Consumers board of directors member, Charles W. Tippy. The dam spans the Manistee River about 170 miles from its headwaters which include Manistee Lake, on the river's way to Lake Michigan.

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What, is you in deNile over it or somethin

What river has a name that sounds like the noise I made when I read this joke?

The Ufa.

I like the fact that you had to include the Wikipedia article.

For this sub probably a good idea.


In the present-day English language, the word nigger is a racial slur, usually directed at black people. The word originated as a neutral term referring to people with black skin, as a variation of the Spanish and Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger (meaning the color "black"). It was often used derogatorily, and by the mid-twentieth century, particularly in the United States, its usage became unambiguously a pejorative, racist insult. Accordingly, it began to disappear from popular culture, and its continued inclusion in classic works of literature has sparked controversy.

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Lets take a phonecall.

Every punchline is made better by a Wikipedia link.

TSSS... HOW LONG IS EUR FUKKIN ROPE? faaaawk yeaaah!

Fawkin hilarous. Whats the scariest lake? Lake Eerie!

Faaawk that shits good my man tipper the hat to ya

The dandube, gettin fawkin zooted

Mount Killamanchippa and shiznit dvv dvv

Chip podcasts fans are literally going to kill this sub with their unfunny bullshit

You are just in deNile.
