When do start chopping Muslim heads

0  2017-11-17 by [deleted]



I hope the FBI sees this and arrests you, fucking dope

Let’s not get carried away here

This isn't the fun kind of racism

All you’re chopping with that is some mushrooms tops faggot

C'mon dude... we're trying to keep the sub alive.

& is that a Vizio Soundbar?

Have you been drinking again? You must have had Friday off, usually this type of behavior starts on Friday night not Friday morning.

Watch ur mouth faggot. I'll put that machete in ur pants

Mods should delete this bullshit.

You say odd shit to people sometimes.

Nice tiles, poor-o!

Say hi to Killakuhn will ya?

And clean up your wires stupid.

The unironic white supremacist posters on this sub are the fucking worst.

You'll do nothing, faggot. Keep clinging onto this sad white boy "I'll show them!" fantasy you and every other immobile, inbred fuck has.

Look kids, a retard

Upvoted so that the world may see how embarrassing you truly are.

This is even sadder than the authentic neckbeard posts you see on reddit.

Nothing more intimidating than an averagely-built, suburban, 20 something, gym shorts & T-shirt wearing, guy with a machete he probably bought off Amazon.

Shut the fuck up. You will do nothing with that except show it to all your half-wit friends who will make jokes about how "psycho" you are.

Please, for the sake of us all, try something. I'd love to see you get beheaded with your own knife by a jihadist after they don't invade whatever Midwestern town you live in, you wannabe faggot.

What the he'll happened last night. Jeezus

Your piece of steel arrived in the mail, I'm guessing.

Yea I'm an asshole. Oh well. Gonna go get some pork chops. And I have teriyaki sauce

You have the same front room as every guy I've ever known that rents in a shitty area. Easier to wipe shit off tiles than carpet

Your piece of steel arrived in the mail, I'm guessing.