Melathon: The Mel Gibson Movie Marathon begins tonight.

59  2017-11-17 by fingerofgawd


Thank you for your service

Payback should be listed... and both versions...

there's too many good ones to list on 1 poster. we'll have 'em all

The one with Kris Kristofferson in it is so much better.

Don't forget Get the Gringo

Mad Max 2?


About an hour. Signs is first.



Roughly what time will Hacksaw Ridge be on?


No Mad Max? No Gallipoli?

No get the gringo, braveheart, or get the gringo but passion....?

More opportunities to make (((jokes))).

Didn't you rape a woman in July of 2006?

Can anyone tell this mentally ill lefty if I raped a woman in 2006??

Mmmm thanks for the salt pal. Have a nice thanksgiving if you even celebrate that shit anymore you dirty lefty.

Gallipoli ?

Just when I thought alcohol would be my only saviour tonight.


as long as there's no Melanin, mm hmm

Where's "what women want"? But in all seriousness, the beaver, edge of darkness and we were soldiers should be played as well.

Maverick, gallipoli and conspiracy theory were also pretty good.

The Patriot isn't even a good movie but I fucking love it for some reason.

Even as a scumbag Englishman I am rooting against that fag British guy.


I love how everyone's teeth are pristine in long shots but in close ups they're hideous.

That's exactly like how it is living here minus the bit about being pristine.

The only one I haven't seen is Hacksaw Ridge. Which I heard was great.

Its a good movie

I like Mel Gibson because I can related to him

I never realized how many good movies he's been apart of, he may just be the most successful guy in hollywood.

Cytube making a big comeback

there's too many good ones to list on 1 poster. we'll have 'em all

About an hour. Signs is first.


I love how everyone's teeth are pristine in long shots but in close ups they're hideous.

The one with Kris Kristofferson in it is so much better.