Gene Simmons banned from Fox

34  2017-11-17 by Trueduhtective


Jim: Its a rough one.He's from KISS he should get a pass

"Simmons also told jokes about pedophilia and touched a number of employees — even tapping some on the head with his book while insulting their intelligence."

Even though he's become a predictable dullard over the years he can bring the funny on occasion.

Yeah, that statement made me think Gene is actually quite the skamp

An arrogant Jewish pedophile? Why, I never..

Oy vey he is not one of us!

That is Mel level wokeness.

they motherfucked him

Ugh now this jew is going to think hes even more of a badass rockstar while he shills some other bullshit

Standing up to FOX news is hardcore, maaaaahn.

"I love women. They love me. I do not approve of rape and that's why I'm presenting you with the KISS Rape Whistle."

Getting banned from a network for hilariously harassing and denigrating others while being an unrepentant asshole is kinda badass.

Whyh didn't they get Jill Nicolini and Anthony Cumia, both prior victims, to comment.

Ian Halperin has the exclusive. Google it.

"... during an promotional..." A grammatical mistake in the first fucking paragraph. Stay classy NYPost!

Can't wait for Jill Niccolini's .#MeToo story in tomorrow's NY Times....

Gene is a true dink.

Richard Simmons once licked the face of a girl on staff when we had him on the show I used to work for. I wonder if they're related.

this guy's appearance triggers the same instinct as an insect that i violently squish under my shoe

however he was funny as fucc in that one Mike Judge movie where he plays the narcissit asshole lawyer

I feel bad for this old Jew, with his burnt nigger hair and millions of dollars donated by the mentally handicapped

It's a wig. He basically glues an expensive brillo pad to his skull.

Since we're going to stringently police men's sexual behaviour now, can we go back to gay bashing, please?

It was revenge for Jill Niccolini. Annnd a lot of other things.

"And that's that."

Gene ,GENE....The 70's are over.Your 70 now.Red velvet shirt,was it a puffy pirate shirt.LOL.

rOCk mUSiC iS STilL cOoL

tss hey hey my my or sumthin

Faggots downvoted you. Genually interested, what is a good modern rock band?

Go ask The Opester. Rock music flamed out over 10 years ago.