What journalist did he pay to write this...?

23  2017-11-17 by jewpotatos


How creepy is that photo.. fuckin vultures hiding behind a pole

For a second I thought you meant the kids.

Perfect weight for his ideal height. So he is not at his ideal height?

Joe Rogans ideal height is 3 or 4 inches taller than whatever bullshit he tells people.


I think this is a play on something he’s discussed on air about BMI where according to those charts he’s obese.

BMI is total bull sugar if you pardon my language.

There's no accounting for muscle weight or bone density. Just weight + height.

Yeah, its pretty good for assessing populations but on individuals its asinine and leaves out most important factors

Joe might be 5.8 in his Al Pacino lifts.

Say hello to my little shoes!

No whig could fit Joe's head though !

What about a democrat?

I'm an English boob...

11th August? I hate you brit fags

It's better. Fuck you.

I watched a JRE a few months ago and they were talking about doing some bullshit where he got his height measured. I swear he actually said something like "And I'm 5'10 you fuckers...without shoes." Damn cuz all that shroom tec can't wrap his mind around being short as mug.

Those are actually two-year-olds.

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thanks for making us tiny obsolete people, daddy!

Nope you're just not funny

ah actually getting a -7 on this thread is somebody being offended

That's content farm shit for ya.

Those kids are dwarfing that little juicehead