I might be going out on a limb here, but I'm not too fond of Troy Quan.

60  2017-11-16 by yismeicha


what are u a monkey or sumthin

Fawk yeah!

Double Nia Burrs, cocksucka

I'm sure hes got enough satisfaction out of his life, being part of the O&A crew and as a DJ that he could not or would not give a fuck

You make a salient point.

You didn't go into great detail and instead gave us the cliff notes.

He stinks.

I don't like him.

He stinks, and I don't like him!

Geeze, come on man.. you don't think that might be going too far?

Troy looks very Jewish to me. Certainly not white, at the very least.

He has a lot of the same facial features as beloved judeo-irish YouTuber Stinks

I don't even dislike him, I just think he's pathetic.

I used to enjoy him. Especially his conspiracy stuff. But his butthurtedness over Anthonys joke has made me turn on him fast.


Idiot brillo sponge hat wearing loser.


I can’t stand him. Broke ass 40 year old hipster.

Better to go out on a limb than to be shoved off a cliff

Shitloaf is... Well, Shitloaf, but I can't believe how much more shit they've given him than Troy about this thing.


I enjoyed his berating of Erock but at the end of the day he’s pushing 50 and still says “rock it, bro.” He’s an idiot.

The year is 2027: Erock dies of a heart attack at 45 with a look of bliss on his face, surrounded by sugary snacks and cartoons. Meanwhile a grey haired Troy skateboards miserably to his job at the box factory. I think we know who wins in this scenario.