Reminder: While Anthony Cumia was in high school he dated middle school girls.

32  2017-11-16 by RBuddCumia

Nothing further.


[REMINDER] At the age of 50, Tranpa said he would go as low as 13.

And we all know when you give the lowest age you'd go you're pumping it up a bit. So he would probably go as low as 11 or 12.

Oh absolutely.

I really wouldn't go under 18 though.

Nice. Never put something like that in writing.

”You need to be put down.”


I miss Patrice

And Ant did not even hesitate for a second when he gave that age

He really said 13? On compound or the old o&a?

How have I not heard that. And how the fuck is Opie the only non creep out of the 3? Strange world.

Opie films his employees while they're using the toilet at their workplace. He's a creep.

opie is a closet peadophile. he once said chris hansen was "ruining it for the rest of us, trying to innocently hang out with children"..

Opie gets erections while changing his retarded 7 year old daughters diaper

Pretty sure Opie talked about fingering his infant daughters asshole to "help get the poo out"

Opie married an 18 year old girl

he also got catfished by someone pretending to be a 14 yr old girl. Cumia was offering gifts from an wish-list. No doubt he would have taken things further if he didn't get caught.

And by "would," he meant, "has."

he also wanted to (and would have) had sex with his first cousin

He bedded his own niece though. Eeewwwwwww

She was a gift, as part of a childhood arrangement, with his brother though....

Who is NOT a paedophile.


"pedophile" is the American spelling.

I do this in case Joe comes here and searches for that term to see if anybody's talking about him.

God's work.

I hate people misusing words, he's definitely not a pedophile. Pedos are after prepubescent children not some teens with tits and ass. He's a creep though, I'll give you that. That's one word that is so fucking misused that it takes away power of the word against real pedophiles who are really fucked in the head.

NOT a paedophile.

Thats very common in their culture, however the consumation ceremony is usually performed in a mud hut with a grass or corrugated tin roof.

Ha of course Canada is higher than the US. All of those east coast newfies (our rednecks) and tons of Robert Pickton-esque rural people living outside the cities.

Canada is higher because it's Muslim population is larger (3.2% vs. .9%):

Reminder: When Ant worked at Sirius XM, he dated middle school girls.

We know that Joe isn't a pedophile only because he said he isn't. Anthony never said it, unprompted, to a TV judge. So there's that.

Reminder: one out of every four pedophile condemners are self-hating closet pedos.

Okay, I have a boner. Now what?

Reminder: Anthony had to take his girlfriend to the pediatrician