What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

3  2017-11-16 by Moveinslience


the internet.

Chocolate! Am I right, ladies?? OOhhh, but I'll just have one... I'm so bad!! tee hee

oh Cathy you are incorrigible!

I once had to pay a racist $2300 because I wouldn't let him play in my bar.

Was he a pedophile though?

He claims he wasn't, but apparently he was paying underprivileged neighborhood children for their saliva.

Edit: The odd part was, no one even asked him if he was...he just came out with it.


You were married? You surprise me more and more everyday you lovely redbone,you.

Still am legally married havent spoken to the fucker in years though

Jesu Benedicto Cristo. Hope shits better now.

Haven't had a knife held to my throat in a while things couldn't better

Do a better job picking men

Working on it.

That's what women say when they continue to date bad boy faggots.

Nah the last guy i dated was a real nerdy scientist

Have you tried women?

No just the thought of it is gross i could never

Ah, well it was a thought, hope you find someone that's good to ya and for ya. You're a good egg.

Is he the one that walked out on you when you told him you were schizo?

Yeah lol

So you date white guys?

Not recently. Thinking about it but they gotta have a big dick

Do they have to send you dick pics first or do you bail when you see he has a small piecccce

I need to see pics first

but cant they just send some random pic they googled?

what are you gonna do if its smaller? you probably wouldnt even notice. we all know women cant judge length

These are all good things to consider and the reason i haven't committed to trying white dick yet

Well thats just sound logic. I believe this is one of the reasons you would never touch men of asian descent?

I lost my virginity to a chinese dude and i think asian guys are pretty cute. But once you go black...

If the asian guy fists you, it could be pretty close to a black dick.

try white guys please

Getting a job that’s beneath me

If you're doing it, it's not beneath you. Now hurry up with my double cheeseburger.

Work. Just the though of not being able to spend my time how I want, cripples me in every aspect of my life.

go to work in a dress then... win win!

Alcohol and drugs, and the crippling insecurity and self-loathing that led me into that path in the first place.

Alcohol and drugs

they're generally part of the best things that happen to me... which reminds me, where's my phone...

Telling my family and friends I'm straight.


Right now I have to piss like a race horse but I don’t want to get out of bed because I’m really comfy. To say the least this is a very worrisome situation. Its turning me into a person I swore I’d never become. My family and friends don’t even recognize me anymore. Sometimes I think to myself “why me?” But then I realize nobody likes someone who feels sorry for themselves. Hopefully one day this will all make sense in the grand scheme of things but for now I honestly feel like I’m cursed.

Is this Tom Sizemore ?

Discovering this subreddit.

A red headed spic once made me watch him jerk off.

Canelo Alvarez?

The one from Spy Kids? I hope you paid him.

Trusted the wrong fart on the way to a job interview once.

I did that once. I had food poisoning and I thought I was safe and shit pudding into my shorts.

You want fries with that?

Opie and Jim