Fuck. Will. Smith.

7  2017-11-16 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Well then, I guess there is no need to watch the movie since I just saw the whole fucking thing.

You don't think there will be a tongue in cheek, "blue(cause orks are blue) lives matter" reference that they left out of the trailer?

OHH! he's an orc and he's an elf but at the end of the day we're all the same AGOOOSHH

Did you not watch the trailer? They had a "Fairy Lives Matter" "joke", and then Will Smith beats a fairy to death.

Yeah, what the fuck is this? An 8 minute trailer is insane.

Serenity now , insanity later

Movies are so gay now.

Meh.. probably won't watch it.. great post though op

I need another drink.

From the director of Suicide Squad

What a seal of quality.

End of watch was fire though

I could direct a cop buddy comedy with my dick in a knot

Prove it.


You’re not even trying.

Remember when Bright came out in 1988 with James Caan and Mandy Patinkin?

Oh this movie. I heard Max Landis pitching this film on a podcast about 5 years ago. Said it was Harry Potter meets Training Day. He also had a pitch for a fantastic 4 film that was okay. That queer is actually really good at pitching movies if you don't know all of his screenplays are awful. He's a media whore but even he isn't promoting this movie because he says the studio fucked it up. If even Max Landis says the movies bad then it's going to be abysmal.

I wish Max was one of the child actors his father cast in the Twilight Zone movie.

Vic No-More-Oh

John "how do I" Landis

Its something different, I like it

Fuck this faggy Lord of the Rings bullshit. Elves & Orcs bullshit are for Dungens & Dragons social rejects & queers

It's way past the point of being gay.

Fuck David Ayer, the director. That talentless piece of shit made Suicide Squad. One of the shitiest movies I have ever seen. He, along with Jared Leto, ruined the best villain in movie history.

I agreed with you until you said that The Joker was the best villain in movie history and then I realized that you are retarded.

Ew thats so grody

If it's netflix at least it won't be in theaters, right? But then again, that means I'm directly funding this shit with my subscription.

You didn't think it was poignant when he said "Fairy lives don't matter today?"


Most overrated actor ever.