Joe Rogan calls in and O&A act like he's some sort of brilliant scientist as he talks about bigfoot & UFO's

29  2017-11-16 by FlashVirus


Remember when he had opie on snd then realized what an absolute boring asshole he was.

He said he looks at his phone like a Kardashian girl. Opie then clarified he was looking at his numbahsss. Clearly looking for a Rogan bump.

Jerk off doesn't realize no one is going to follow him if he blows on the podcast.


I thought he actually said that.

That was like our pre woke period.

That mug likes to pontificate an shiznit

I actually like this version of Joe compared to the current Joe who genuinely believes he’s a philosopher.

“Jon Jones is a wild motherfucker. But maybe guys like Jon NEED to be wild both inside the cage AND out.”

yeah I actually like this Joe a lot more too. It's still funny how everyone looked up to him as some brilliant scientist when he was just repeating catchy headlines from tabloids.

Rogan sort of followed Stern's progression. Used to be less self-censored, less celebrity ass-kissing, entertaining arguments, etc.

Redban was a retard but at least he brought some entertainment value.