I'm a faggot and put references from the sub in my game

130  2017-11-16 by myroidtc


The game is Zeran's Folly. If any of you fellas want a free copy, just ask.

EDIT 2: Ran out of keys, requested a few more for the last few of you.


what the fuck are you doing dude

He’s being a faggot. It says so on the title.

I'd rather be infected with Parasitic Hepatitis

That's not very nice.

Its not that bad when you view the parasites as a sentient colony and you communicate with them.

Please understand that without a shred of hyperbole, I wish you were dead



You and me both


Why not a fawking hypoplate?

Your bravery is admirable but it doesn't make you less of a faggot.

he used a game maker that retarded 1 year old goldfish could use

op you get zero props

I made it with C++/SFML, basically the opposite of GameMaker.

ME: Nice try with the hate, tho

Where's your game, cocksucka?

The only thing I️ want a free copy of is your death certificate, sir.

Just curious what would you actually do with that?

Is that Louis CK running the shop on the left? Does he invite you back to his room for some innocent drinks?

But he's not there cuz! A water bottle and some pecka juice from Chippah is yore reward!

Im not gonna be like the rest of these dullards and call you a faggot.I read your post about the postmortem of your game in r/gamedev a couple of weeks ago. I found it to be rather illuminating and interesting. Its incredibly challenging to develop a game and I salute you. If i wasnt a broke ass bitch then I would buy a copy off steam.

Wha happen?

Yeah, but he's a faggot, right?


I commented thinking by his "game" this was some fruity dating app interraction, didnt realize he actually made a fruity little video game, that is definitely pretty commendable no matter how gay he still probably is

Well said


thank you, that's a good read.

I dont like the art style or the trailer music as others have said but he has a lot there that could do more. I noted as many others fail with, the marketing thats why i asked him about a game dev blog. You just need to have a voice and put it in a few places and offer a few updates to people.

The game looks horrible but I still want that copy

You're not wrong. Sent

dont send him - he is gypsy - he just wants it because its free.


what a pathetic weak man ahah you're my favorite thing ever

shudup gypsy - go beg for change somewhere.

keep the coming, faggot. I wanna see what you got

if you really want to laugh, check out this faggot zenicaone's history. What a cringe fest

Hey man I also like to have a copy


I would too. How many references have you done in it ?

Play your free game and find out you fucking panhandler.

Those two snippets are the only deliberate ones. Key sent

Copy and nudes please

Key sent, nudes some other time

Copy also please


You uh, got any more of those copies?

It play pretty good. Sent

This actually looks pretty sweet. Can I get one too please?

You bet. Sent

Could I get one of those as well, mister?

Me too :)


Yep, sent

Appreciate the offer but I'll just buy it. 10 bucks for a decent indie game is a bargain. I'll let ya know how I like it in a few days or so, hopefully I go back to purchase the dlc.

You're a good egg

What about the loot box

I'll get me missus to throw you a few bucks.


ME: Nice try with the hate, tho

instantly closed when i saw the pic

Ill take a copy of your game.. And any extra computer stuff you have laying around because this is the season of giving.

Hey, do you want to know what I would give you?

A i7- 8700k and a 1080 TI with like 32 gb ram? Dont worry about the rest, ill supply everything else

Godaaaaaamnit..... how’s you know? Also, a quad core penis!!! With dual ram butts and stuff!!

Ugh that art...

I actually think it interesting that we have a poster here reprogramming a game. I'll try and throw you some shekels to help out. I only play on console but some of the best games lately have been Indies. Send me a message.

I don't really play video games, but that's pretty cool you made something.

The only thing I made today was two hefty dumps and a young girl very uncomfortable on her walk home.

1/3 ain't bad

I'd say all three are keepers. Sounds like he's having a good day.

I would like a copy too. Looks cool.

Sent, check your PMs.

Take out my cock and suck on it.

Take out my cock and suck on it.

I need to start making games


This was our big chance to create a real O&A game.

The cumia story: Quest for the holy guns

He might be onto something u/myroidtc. If you changed up some name to dodge legal, and some plot points-- boom, you've got 60k to run off with.

just call it "Escape from Hargis Tomb"


maybe you could start gofundme page for O&A themed game (?)

would $60K cover the costs?

It's a fun idea but all the likenesses and such might cause some problems.

A side quest could involve getting Patrice to respect you but he dies before it ever happens.

Then once he dies, you have a side quest DLC to get a giant coffin, purple suit, and keep Von away from his earnings. Extra points if you can organize a benifit and not invite Anthony.

We got a game here fellas...

Dungeon crawler

I see what you did there

do you have a dev blog for this?

Not really. I have a couple places where I post pics and updates but nothing where I really talk about how I made it.

I think that would have helped

I have a game in the works, gang. It's about a hero (me) who rises from mediocrity to become the person he knows he can become using the power of determination and the love of mother earth. The game my friends is...

Life ;)

It looks like shit.

can you make his skin darker

I'd buy it if I could play it. I don't have a Windows computer. :(

Can i have a copy please, i need practice writing bad reviews

Sent, practice away.


I'm not a pedophile.

But can you enter contracts?

A copy for Opesterino ? Please ?!

Why didn't you make it on Android, indie games sell well on Android ios. The pc indie game market is a motherfucker

No that we have a programmer on this sub, I request a o and a themed sidescroller


PM me a key hombre, looks pretty fun. Would probably go down well with the Terraria crowd

Sent, enjoy.

Code redeemed, thanks dude.

I would throw my first born out of the windshield of a Jeep for a free copy

No need to evade the cops that aren't pursuing you, sent one.

You weren't lying about being a faggot, that's all I can glean from this. Please accept an upvote

I'm a gamer and would be appreciative of a key, and would give feedback if you liked.

Sent, check your PMs.

fuck off

That's cool man, congrats on the release

Oh wow, I would love a copy.


Can I have a free copy, I'm a real gamer I swear

Sent, even if you're a trickster

The reviews look surprisingly positive, nice job.

I would very much like to play this game.

Please send me a copy so I can play it once my people have invented a computer that is not made from the severed limbs of albino children.

Sent, good luck with your people

Copy, send me one please.

Copy, one has been sent.

Gimme that game so I can play it while drunk listening to O n A. I will insult you later.

Sent, don't forget your promise.


If you have a spare key, I'll give it a whirl.

Plenty to go around, sent you one

Sincerely, I hope you lose your legs in a car fire.

I'll take a copy! Thanks!

Key sent

I would like a copy fine sir...

A free copy is your reward, sent

I'd enjoy a copy of this back alley knife fighting simulator.


I'd like a copy because I too am a faggot.

Sent, fellow mo

Have Opie plug it on his next pop up.

He might ask for a lil' taste, though

I'd love to try out a free game.

A usual if I like it I'll buy it.

You can't kill Opie but there's a boss with tits almost as big as his, so you can pretend it's him if you want. Sent

I too would like a copy of the game to not play it at all ever

You need to be a bigger bolder asshole for your marketing, especially if you put time and work into this as it appears. Think Bobo but less retarded

I'll take a key. Looks interesting.


Go on then, I'll take a key. You fucking half-man

Sent, g'onnow

maybe you could ask permision for some of the songs

"Erock elephant" comes to mind

or contact Chip and ask for "Chippy kay yeeeeeea futhamuckers!"

for when you finish the game

Someone from this place has genuinely marketable talent? Amazing.

Mind if I can scoop a code from ya?

Scoop away! Sent

Good stuff, dude. I'll take a copy.

Sent, buddy

Shank you, sir.

You should have put killakuhn in it

Is this like gta or duke nukem?

Excellent. I am always a fan of people creating new things.

I'm down. Sign me up for the free copy. I'll review it after I've had time to beat it.

Right on, sent one.


I'll play it if you shoot one at me

Shoot? Tss, what is it like cum or sumpthin? Dvvv


Yes, you are.

yea I'd like to check it out too. hope it does well.

Thanks, sent

Is the whole game full of references? I'd like a copy too.

Those two references are about it. Sent

me too please!


I would like to give this a fair shot, looks interesting.

Thanks! Sent

Hook me up with a free copy of your shitty game.

Done, sent

oooh look at me and my legitimate career path

I moonlight as a gamedev after my day at Panera as a sandwich engineer

I'm gonna need 1500 keys preferably in the Russian language.

Looks p cool, I'll fucks with it next pay day and give you some income.

At least you finished yours. I'm still a year or two out :S I'll take a free copy. Keep up the good work, man.

Thanks, sent

Sue Lightning, please!

Congratulations on getting your game on STEAM. I'll probably never play it but I like the art style and the animation looks nice and smooth. Hopefully you can have some Youtubers promote it a bit and make a few bucks, I haven't posted gaming videos for a while so I don't think I could help much.

Edit: Send me a copy just in case, thanks

It looks stupid but the gameplay looks like something I would play. I'll buy a copy later out of white guilt.

Hopefully the controls are tighter than one of Anthony's girlfriends.

Serious post:

Man, I read your gamedev post and some comments. I hope that exposure got you some sales, but it's always sad to read about these things. Before and during college, I wanted to work in the videogame industry (doing graphics) and while I've been doing 3D graphics since I was 12, I gave up on the dream long ago.

I've worked on multiple mods and stand-alone games from web-based games and top-down 2D space shooters to Unreal Engine 3 FPS or RTS mods where I worked on particle effects, modeling, UV mapping and texturing. I must have personally spoken to hundreds of aspiring modders and game designers over the years and I think only one ever finished their game and made decent money with it.

99% of people are young gamers with no industry or business knowledge and they're generally just starting out with programming or graphics. As soon as they're out of school and have real jobs/lives, progress slows down and eventually stops, so most games/mods never get finished.

Unfortunately of those who do get completed, they're years late and generally don't have enough of an audience to warrant the months or years spent during which you could have made hundreds of thousands of dollars working a paid gig. Don't feel too bad, you're not alone. It's just a life lesson in ROI (return on investment) which shouldn't make you give up on anything, because you've learned skills which you'll be able to use on other projects and in life. However, you have to try and do not the "bare minimum" but enough that you won't feel like you've completely wasted your time. Maybe investing a few months part-time into a mobile game that may or may not fail isn't so bad, but try to avoid spending years on it. Things like graphics and audio are important but gameplay is much more so. You can release a game with stickmen visuals and the same gameplay as a good-looking game. As long as you make it fun, you can swap out graphics later. If a game is fun and replayable (ie. not single player unfortunately), it has a much, much higher chance of getting an audience and expanding it, but if not, it needs something to attract attention (Cool art style like Limbo, a weird story that makes it go viral, a really scary game that does well with big "Let's play" channels, etc.) or it basically dies. Definitely keep making games but try smaller, don't worry about tons of levels and a complex story that no one will ever experience. Only do that once you have an established audience and that investment is worth it.

The game going nowhere wasn't a big deal. I have a day job and it was something to do in my free time in between edging sessions. I made the game I wanted to instead of something with wide appeal, so I didn't expect it to sell anyway. It would have been nice if I got shitty kickstarter cartoon-level cash out of it but what can you do.

TL;DR I'm an artsy homo

That's alright man, you can't expect that kind of donations, it's just not realistic. Here's the thing, the internet doesn't work like a lot of people expect. For example, you have instagram "models" (ie. attractive or fake girls who post sexy selfies) with a million followers getting 100k likes per picture, but an amazing photographer or artist will get like 100 likes on a good day. Jim Norton can raise $60k from donations, but CokeLogic and I, the guys actually making the cartoons, cannot. I couldn't even raise 100 bucks if I tried, but I can get jobs and make money directly, or indirectly from views, etc. Jim Norton didn't just release a cartoon or podcast in 20 years, he put on thousands of shows, both in radio and stand-up, to build an audience large enough that some of them would eventually donate money to his project.

Your content or planned content does not matter in most cases; your audience (or its size) does. I can't judge your game (because you haven't sent me a free version yet), but you could make an amazing game, and I'm not saying AAA cause that's not a one-man job anymore, but a really good game, and if you have no following, and you don't know people with big online presences, it won't get any traction unless you get VERY lucky. But the thing is you can't really get lucky these days, because if a full-time Youtuber gets free games and pumps out videos daily, they won't be able to invest time in your little game, or they may not want to because they have big, popular games to play. That's why you got tiny channels who were maybe open to try anything for a minute, but they themselves are struggling to make some money so they won't help you much.

At the end of the day, you made your game and I hope you're happy with it, and you should make more, but I recommend going smaller. I always tell people, instead of investing years of your life (and $) to make one (hopefully good) piece of art, whatever it is, a movie, a game, an animation, a show, etc. just release multiple smaller pieces on a regular basis. In the 4 years you would have spent on one big project, you'll end up releasing 200 things, which get progressively better, which help you make mistakes and improve your workflow, which teach you about the business side of things, what works , what doesn't, and which builds you an audience. Then, once you release a "big" project, not only will it be better than ever, because you're experienced now, but you'll also have a huge audience to support you.

I used to make gaming and 3D modeling/animation/drawing videos 10 years ago, quickly got some followers and I'd get 50k+ views per video regularly, before HD streaming and big Youtubers existed. I stopped and focused on getting better at other things for a few years, and when I came back, no one gave a shit about my work, I was lucky to get 50 views! It's not that my work got any worse, I came back with more skills than ever, but I lost my audience. Had I simply released anything regularly during those years, I'd have had a huge audience and then investing more time into more complex stuff wouldn't feel like a waste or a failure.

Try to learn from my mistakes and other people's and you'll do better next time. 👍 Hang in there, sock cuckah.

Hey dude, I'd like a copy. I like the style of it. Is it like an action RPG?

Sorta. It's a platformer with some RPG elements like talents, rings, etc. Sent you a key

Use it as a jizz rag.

If my backlog wasn't so ridiculous, I'd just buy the game, but I know it's unlikely I would play it anytime soon.

I totally wanted to write videogames when I was young. I basically ended writing software for banks. TBH it's way more fulfilling, too much drama in the world of videogames. I'm basically Peter Gibbons from office space.

Speaking of folly, this game appears to be steeped in it.

It certainly comes from lower stock.

"Rich and touching story, although it's more like a bad touch"

I hope there's a veiled uncle paul reference in there.

I'm not going to ask for it for free because I notice a lot of fags coming that never post here cashing in on your offer. I'll play it when I pay for it.

I will ask for the soundtrack though. If that's undoable, np. Good job

Sorry, can't do it. It requires the base game to be owned.

Give me one


Please send me a copy so I can have Edgar review it.




I will take my free copy of your game, please.


"an evil tribute front man is trying to possess all of the child spit in the world"

bless me with a key

Blessed thou art, sent

good looking out. i play games on a gpd win on the way to work and this game seems like it should play pretty well on it

maybe spend the next month promoting the game like you spent 4.5 years making it. find forums of interested people who like gay furry shit. find subreddits. go to gamedev discord etc...

Dont just stop dude.

Well your right about the first thing

he used a game maker that retarded 1 year old goldfish could use

op you get zero props

A free copy is your reward, sent


Play your free game and find out you fucking panhandler.

Those two snippets are the only deliberate ones. Key sent

Sorta. It's a platformer with some RPG elements like talents, rings, etc. Sent you a key
