Art mogul James Norton chips in on newly sold Da Vinci painting.

1  2017-11-16 by RBuddCumia


What a moron. The Russian oligarch who owned the painting bought it 5 years ago for $120m. It's one of only 15 know Da Vinci paintings and was owned by three kings of England, so it's probably a better investment than signed boxing gloves and vintage t shirts.

I cant believe he motherfucked Da Vinci! I mean on one hand i can see not enjoying the painting. But on the other...

you're right Jim, I wouldn't pay $60 for a painting from one of, if not the, greatest artist that has ever lived.

And one of history's first and most famous homos to boot!

What? Despite what it looks like, it's valued at 450 million dollars. If he bought it for $60 he would make a profit of $449,999,940. He tries to make jokes, but they just leave you feeling baffled and angry.

He's turning into Opie.