The segment that made Opie take Sam off the morning show

21  2017-11-15 by FlashVirus


so glad this moron was defeated

It really is refreshing to see good triumph over evil in this world.

Hole Opie out in full force: "Jeeeezuzz... fawwwwwwkin' brootal" after every dead kid joke.


1:30:00 for some context

Sam complete trash, He should never be put in front of a open microphone.

was trying to listen to that link. its impossible, literally impossible. I clicked on that to have something playing while I was cleaning up and I found myself running to the fucking PC to end it.

God Sam is the worst, talking about he was "HATED" on the show because he was a weasel to the other staff members and how it didnt bother him. Yeah Sam, you are a tough bad ass. I wonder why the fanbase moved on fro. Opie if he didn't like stuff like this

The irony being, if Opie didn't kick Sam off the main show, he never would have gotten his night show. Greenstein never would have heard him.

Boom. No Sam and Jim.

Good show! Good Times

I never heard much of O&J, but Jim and Sam riff really well together here. What the fuck happened?

Sam became a co-host.

More exclamation points, please, you lispy clod

I'm not saiyan but I'll post this comment to that spic under his video

Holy shit, Opie is harboring resentment over all insurance companies too? What the fuck is wrong with this idiot?

my guess - jim and sam were having chemistry in this segment and he realized he could become odd one out again if he let it grow.

So he decided to cut it early.

Thank you for explaining this. I lost a large portion of my brain in a potato peeling accident, and am therefore unable to perform deductive reasoning.

Fawwwkin broootalll

At least Opie had a cool gravelly voice while he gave his hot take on insurance companies.

It would sort of fluctuate between gravely and high pitched

Sam complete trash, He should never be put in front of a open microphone.

was trying to listen to -

its impossible, literally impossible. I clicked on that to have something playing while I was cleaning up and I found myself running to the fucking PC to end it.

God Sam is the worst, talking about he was "HATED" on the show because he was a weasel to the other staff members and how it didnt bother him. Yeah Sam, you are a tough bad ass.

Holy shit that jackass won't stop sniffing

It really is incredible how bad Gregg "Opie" Hughes is at radio.

Sam became a co-host.