How, if You're a Man, to Deal with the Fact that You're Probably Trash

8  2017-11-15 by thecornballer1


Thought-provoking, and it's written by verysmartbrothas, so who would know better?

Well seeing as this "man" is black I'd say he's 100% correct on being trash.

Yeah and I love how you can't do the reverse of that. Because the list would be one type : all of them.

The blatant hypocrisy in the comments is able pretty frightening.

This is the third article in the past few days with an unfair and intentionally provocative title about men (that would not be allowed if the tables were turned). These writers are quickly getting cuntier by the minute.

Is the left retarded? You almost have to wonder if all of the people are Russian trolls. The sabotaging of their political party. They are intentionally alienating all white people (when white people are almost 70% of the population). Now they are alienating all men. Such a smart strategy... If the Republicans stopped being the party of stupid and actually had some real ideas, they would be dominating.

Thats gonna be pretty hard for them. The republicans, i mean

"The answer, of course, is hell fucking yes. We are all complicit. We are all agents of patriarchy, and we’ve all benefitted from it. We are all active contributors to rape culture. All of us. No one is exempt"

It's going to get to the point where these nu male faggots start calling 911 on themselves for having a boner

I continue to believe the faggots that write shit like this do so because they actually contemplate rape and or actually harass women in some tangible way, then project it onto everyone else. I've seen it time and time again with male feminists being caught doing fucked up shit, to betas admitting to criminal behavior in long winded posts pandering to feminists like this one.

"we've all done things we don't like to admit when we were more naive"

Nope, not unless you count that one time that waitress spilled my coffee - but i'm proud of that.

The one good thing about this progression is that it seems like "but I'm a feminist" won't be a defense anymore, so hopefully more people start pushing back against this bullshit. I mean, Hugo Schweizer, who was infinitely worse, was allowed to slide forever just by saying he was a good feminist boy - but that obviously wasn't good enough for Louis.

Maybe I'm just being optimistic though and there really is no end to this misandrist outrage machine.

Yeah we're already well on our way. It's no longer enough to be an ally, and these groups of psychos can't survive without the white guilt/man guilt allies. So once they drive them away by telling them it's not enough anymore hopefully all this shit just goes away.

I fucking hope so, man. It still seems like things are pretty quiet on that front but I really feel like it's unsustainable.

Only if it lasts for over four minutes.

Lol “ladies, I know that men are garbage but I admit this. So doesn’t that make me a good guy? Please fuck me.”

I love how in the comments, this public self flagellation STILL isn't enough. You are still a man, therefore even calling yourself trash isn't enough. Only cutting off your cock and balls, feeding them to a lion, then jumping into a pit of fire ants will absolve you of the sins of being a man.

But putting on a dress and still having a penis is praised by these faggots.

Ah, the cocoa-cuck, Damon Young.

The answer, of course, is hell fucking yes. We are all complicit. We are all agents of patriarchy, and we’ve all benefited from it. We are all active contributors to rape culture. All of us. No one is exempt.

You heard it straight from the cuck's beak: All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of WYMYN.

Unlike a proper religion, the church of WYMYN offers no salvation or absolution; only a lifetime of guilt, servitude, and abasement.

As the slavemaster once insisted that black skin was the Mark of Caine or the Curse of Ham, so now do feminists insist upon the penis.