Thanks for introducing me to this totally not delusional comedienne.

28  2017-11-15 by [deleted]



Do this. Please me. Now.

Not a list. An article. Write it. Immediately.

She seems fun, I really hope her and her roommate find husbands someday!

No no no they like box

its literally, i hate my dad the tweet

What a miserable unfunny woman.

All lesbians are joyless.

Gay men combine male competence and female frivolity into one six-packed, highly trendy package.
Dykes take the worst behaviors of men and women and complain all day in their stained t-shirts and sensible haircuts.

Ellen coming out made stand up personal.

Are you fawkin kidding?

Ignorant post. Film historians have gone on record saying nobody in the history of cinema deviated from the script until the lady who hosted SNL 4 days ago.

That's a man baby

Why write a false article that exlcudes an entire sex? What would be the point of that? btw, Cam'ron, you're excluding all male people of color, you goddamned bigot.

Cameron Esposito spends more time on twitter writing about empowering female comedians than she spends actually writing jokes.

West coast comedians have perverted comedy into a soapbox where they can preach under the guise of telling mediocre jokes and get away with a round of applause because the "message" was right.

Not only her jokes but she has a really awful cadence and fake voice that annoys the piss out of me before she even gets to her lame punchline.

They also have character comedians like Larry the cable guy so they can giggle because they are smarter than the guy with the southern accent.

As a wise man once said after being told that racists can enter legal contracts, "Thank you"

I love how society has been reduced to a girls rule and boys drool mentality. I suggest we change the name of this sub to the he-man woman haters club.

No Ma'am, nigga.


80's sitcom yumah.


Ellen made standup personal and not the guy who spoke of his drug use that was so bad he set himself on fire whole free basing cocaine and drinking rum.

Did pregnancy really need to be brought into comedy, though? Did the world of comedy really need to hear from some dumb cunt that was too pussy to get her womb scraped?

"Silverman paved the way for Bridesmaids"

what the fuck does that even mean

Also, I've never even heard Rossie Odonell sing in my entire life. How did that pave the way for late night hosts?

Exactly. It wasn't Johnny Carson or David Letterman. It was Rosie, whose daytime talk show existed at the same time as most of today's late night shows.

She sang the national anthem once in the 90's. That's the moment Jonny Carson started his show.

That is Roseanne. She said "Rosie". I assume she is talking about Rosie Odonell.

I actually forgot that bitch existed.

It means she played a bit role in There's Something About Mary and, I got nothing.

That you can be an unfunny cunt and earn millions?

An unfunny jew with a box frame body ispired a closted faggot to write a movie for some ladies from SNL.

I think Carmen is legit retarded.

Which Wong is she referring to? B.D.?

Ali Wong. Bangable. Even when pregnant.

Law & Order: SVU marathons are really important to struggling female comics still in their PJs at 4pm

Ali Wong's Netflix special was done while she was far enough pregnant that you were wondering if her water was going to break on the stage.

Yeah.. And also write about how every President of the United States was actually a woman. You think George Washington was the real President? Hell No. Martha Washington was calling all the shots. Write it now.

no you got it wrong. George Washington was Martha Washington in disguise.

Rosie's singing gave us today's late night hosts

A lack of Rosie's singing gave us Carson and Letterman.

I mean Louis' material in Shameless is more thought provoking and funny than everyone on that list combined.

..That being said, so is 10 minutes of anything Rob Schneider has put out.

Holy shit, how delusional. I'm surprised she didn't add herself

"Proving you can be a hero in 140 characters or less!"

How'd she forget Roseanne or Margaret Cho? It's almost as though she's a fucking idiot

Use a slower image hosting web site next time queeb

Sorry but I stopped using Imager ever since it's been tied to pedophilia.


Their agenda comes first and foremost; comedy or jokes is a distant, distant 2nd. Women are the malignant tumor of comedy.

Only the most worthless parts of groups demand that empowerment horseshit

no you got it wrong. George Washington was Martha Washington in disguise.

80's sitcom yumah.