Patrice once said that His body didnt fail him, he failed his body

29  2017-11-15 by Fredrock26

Going on that note HOLY shit does artie have a strong is that thing still alive after teh years of alcohol and drug abuse coupled with complete lack of any physical activity and the diet of an amy schumer post break up


I think you are thinking of Mickey Mantle.

10 years? are you kidding? hes been high for 25-30 years. also he cleaned up a few times and has dialed it back from time to time.

teh was a typo of the, not ten


Saw him at the Bennington Family Thanksgiving Show and he’s honestly worse than I thought he’d be.

artie’s got that wop stevedore conditioning i guess

Artie died years ago, he’s just got cholesterol fat in a vein squeezing blood to the brain.


The life expectancy of a heroin addict is obviously greatly reduced compared to someone who doesn’t take any drugs. However, the actual life expectancy depends on which other drugs the addict is taking, as many will mix with alcohol, weed and even cocaine with their heroin addiction. However, most of the hardcore, long-term heroin users will die by the time they are in their 40s or 50s. This is because the actual lifespan of a hardcore heroin is addict is about 15 to 20 years old. Since most of the heroin addiction will start during their 20s or their 30s, it all makes sense. However, there are other factors, which contribute to reducing a heroin addict’s lifespan in BC. First of all, overdosing can often be fatal. It can happen just by pure bad luck, if a heroin addict gets a batch that is of way higher purity than normal, his normal dose could lead to overdose quickly. Another big factor affecting the heroin addict lifespan is the environment and setting in which he or she is using heroin. If he is in a very unsanitary environment, the needles will often not be sterilized before each use and increases the rates of infection greatly. Another big problem is that many heroin addicts in British Columbia die of HIV at a certain point. Some get infected through needle sharing, other get infected through sex, as some will actually use sexual acts to fund their addiction. These are all factors that can greatly reduce one’s lifespan. So it is important to get a heroin addict help before it actually comes to a point where heroin is the thing running their life and before they get into a condition where they run the risk of overdosing, getting AIDS, etc. There are heroin rehab treatments in British Columbia that can help them get their lives back.


There are also Heroin Injection centres in British Columbia, I don’t know where you’re heading but I know where I am. Top me up quick babe, I gotta get back to suckin for when this wears off.

They have them all over Canada. I help pay for it cause this country is a joke.

They reduce the costs of junkies on the health system dummy, not make it more expensive... it's a good thing.

These people will still be out ODing in the streets somewhere regardless, filling up the 911 lines, and ambulance, fire, and police response. That shit's expensive. It's much better to corral them in a room with nurses and let them OD in one spot with Narcan doses on hand.

I watched a doc about Vancouver east-end and some of these junkies will OD at the same spot 2 days in a row. They're a burden and the police/paramedics can't just let them die when people are calling 911. So it's the lesser of evils.

The only alternative I've heard is this small US town that capped the ambulance response to 3 per year or something for ODs. So the same people can't keep getting brought back to life because they're idiots.

The same people still fucking OD you retard I live near one. The junkies who go there are the smart ones who wouldn't OD anyway and there's still ambulances every single morning at the halfway houses and tenements and co-ops. The shitty junkies are still in the streets cause it's the stupid ones who OD and it's the stupid ones who see no benefit in the service.

Using some anecdotal examples of a few junkies doesn't mean it hasn't helped reduce the burden on the healthcare system. These people are the lifers, the homeless bums. If this lowers the cost then I fully support it.

No one ever said the needle exchanges and safe injection sites were ever going to solve the opiod problem. It's about being realistic about the fact they are going to keep using it, so it's better to have nurses in close proximity than wait for ambulances/police.

Using some anecdotal examples of a few junkies still shooting up on the streets doesn't mean it hasn't helped reduce the burden on the healthcare system.

Just let the fucking pieces of shit die. There's a solution. That's an amazing solution actually, cause then crime would go down too. You keep these faggots alive and literally every other negative aspect of society increases except health care costs. Amazing, we save money on healthcare but we still have parks no families go to because they're overrun with junkies, we have areas of town nobody will go to, we have people being robbed and raped and stabbed for drug related offenses (they would never include that in the health care bill) but all that matters is we keep these desperate, deluded, horrible pieces of garbage from throwing needles in sandboxes and dying in the gutters. Glad to pay for it, cause I'm not allowed not to.

No one ever said the needle exchanges and safe injection sites were ever going to solve the opiod problem or get the bums off the streets.

I never implied they would, I am saying I am forced to pay cause these degenerate assholes keep throwing their goddamn used AIDS needles all over the place. I need to pay because these garbage men and women can't do anything right which is... honestly, how does the money shake out in Canada? Cause I'm told "it means they are in hospitals less" but I am raped in the ass on taxes so it strikes me they are taking the money from somewhere else.

It's about being realistic about the fact they are going to keep using it, so it's better to have nurses in close proximity than wait for ambulances/police.


round em up all kill em all! am i right gang


It must be a weird feeling, knowing that you should have died probably like 20 times

Long strand DNA, bro.

Didn’t he also drink bleach or some shiznit? I think he just decided to kill himself via drug addiction. Im rooting for the guy to turn it around.

Genetics, he has strong eyetalian boozer genes, Patrice had shit genes. That's all it is. Patrice didn't even drink or smoke ffs.

Some people just weren't born to die.

In the chris Farley documentary on HBO tomorrow arnold said you can't be fat and an addict at the same time. Artie is a freak of nature

What about Belushi or Kinison?

theyre dead.



Lenny Clarke says, hello.

When the show with Nick Dip on radio started and they went on Conan he was looking fantastic. It sucks his face and body are destroyed beyond repair now, I really thought he was going to be that guy who was a mess and cleans up and sticks around but he's been proving me both right and wrong by sticking around and becoming the biggest mess in recorded human history

It's a fawkin paradox or sumpthin'.