Artie Lang: "every comedian I know who's not witty and not funny is married to a doctor"

68  2017-11-15 by dmix


Artie Lange* you grammar nazi faggots

*Arty Lange

Artie Bucco*



Fudge yeah, Sopranos! The situation is really difficult or sumphin'

Spelling isn't grammar.

spelling nazi doesnt have the same ring to it

We prefer the term "mentally capable."

she's not even a real doctor either

Is she a Jew?

probably a faggot foot doctor

Ant and Jim were funnier, but Artie's jabs were the most brutal. They all egged each other on perfectly.

They all egged each other on perfectly.

Yeah did they? But they did,

Ran with BLOOOoooOOOoooOOOoooOOOoooOOOD...

Ant and Jim ran miles around Artie who left early to continue dying from drug addiction

Ant: "Is he doing an Opie impression..."

When people are busting your balls about not being funny, you better start trying to be funny. This asshole starts arguing about why it doesn't matter that he sucks. Ugh.

Artie was doing the "Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on!" thing. But he actually had a very funny line. Wasn't just trying to go to the phones.

Artie knows a lot of doctors.


Is she a Jew?