the live chat on TEFFT PATTERN streams

7  2017-11-15 by deanthecleanmachine

are fucking awful. read that shit and be ashamed these people exist


You don't like Liz Bennedeto, the hot girl who's definitely not a guy??

im positive all the girl accounts are really u/stinks sitting in his room with a wig on

Ol Angela, who’s pictures are also definitely NOT from some random MySpace broad from 2006

The chat was originally awesome! It made me get boozed-up & drugged-off for 2 weeks!

It's faded now, & I'm feeling rough

you're kinda right but go fuck yourself.

The Bot that was put in there is a spamming asshole. Fuck that bot and everything it stands for

I'm talking more about the number of unfunny queers who took over

I'm in there now. It's a fucking Yahoo Games chat room with people who actually know about each other's lives.

its awful.

Have you seen discord? oofa loofa

There worst part is that these queers never talk about the clips being played.

theyre too worriued about trying to impress the fake girls lmao. I tried doing chip and someone tried calling me immature. I WAS DOING CHIP. u/braunheiser needs to shut that down

The chat has taken on a life of its own, but there are often like 150-300 people in the stream and only 15-20 chatting, so I figure there are a lot of people who just have it open on their phone/computer, car or xbox/chromecast and aren't even looking.. I have gotten very mixed response on this games bot, it helps keep the chat moving and helps make the place look more alive especially at night when we used to get only like .5-1 messages per minute for hours. Some people love it and compete with each other and others don't like it at all.

As far as the way people chat to each other... it's definitely mostly people who only watch O&A on YouTube and don't come on here. Everyone here is free to come on the stream any time and address whatever they want in their style :)

its just retard venting - who gives a shit if chat is opened or not - most people open the video and listen while doing something else.

I did not even know there is chat opened.

relax bro. I aint tryna disrespect

Clean my peckah!

They play this gay complicated game for hours at a time and have little inside jokes with each other. I thought I was missing out. and I used to think Angela was real but she changes her youtube profile picture like every week which is a bad sign. Plus she's too logical and sometimes funny to be a broad.

is it as bad as the chat from those sites that use to upload the old show?

We're all just trying to get that fawkin cake. Also angela benedetto is an asshole.

Where ma cake mugs at?

!cake & !marmalade mah nigga!!

i enjoy the gambling.

Hey watch it! I met my wife on the Tefft Pattern live chat. Currently I am saving up to buy her a plane ticket so she can come over from Norway.