[VIDEO]"There is nothing funny about sexual assault...but Louie did the funniest version of sexual assault." - Dan Soder

152  2017-11-14 by red-light


Im glad Jay is there to be Jay because Dan and Christine were being pretty lame about the whole thing.

yeah ol' Vanilla Dan was massively overstating early 00s Louie's power as if he were rupert murdoch for having writing credits on the 'Dana Carvey Show', lol

Louie’s cutesy not looking at the camera smirk is way more offensive than public chicken choking.

If he really did box with Ali why is he still so fat

Did he say this in his Macho Man Randy Savage voice?

I hope so.

Or at least in his Andre the Giant Voice.

ol vanilla dan is the kindest of the working comics aside from regan, and even he went to bat for louie better than jimmy.

I know Soder is the most ultimate of good eggs, but this sub likes Brian Regan? I'm actually surprised.

He was a huge part of early o and a

If I recall wasn't he their first ever in studio guest at WNEW

Regans private life is a mess which I guess people here like plus he doesn't pretend to be something he's not.

Why? He’s funny. Not everything has to be edgy to be funny.

Just remember: Joe Cumia never asks for consent.

Racists CAN enter legal contracts

Thank you

Children can't give consent.

But that doesn't matter because

Joe Cuma is NOT a pedophile

Did he state as much- unprompted? That’s the only way to know for sure.

I haven't listened to The Bonfire in a long time. What cunt decided it was a good idea to give Jay's girlfriend a mic?

She's nowhere near as bad as the entertainment vaccum Gail Bennington is on a microphone. Actually Christine does contribute and give / take a joke well.

She really is just a bunching bag on that show.

Tsss wats she like a bag days a pare a undaware day bunches up in ya fawkin asshole or sumthin

People complained and she’s on mic a lot less. And she takes a lot of abuse and laughs about it. She’s ok. There is another show that never listens to their fans at all, I can recommend it to you if you would like.

i do enjoy some dan soder

Tsssskk what r ya thirsty?

home run chippah!

Crackle Crackle

if nick mullen got Soder on cumtown instead of The Jew Adam Friedland they would be on radio or syndicated podcast earning 6 figures a year by now

Wow this is amazing. The letter reading was brutal. This show always this good?

It is the new O&A.

Do notice, they even have a producer named 'Black Lou', no relation to O&A/R&F's 'Black Earl'.... Shenkle bout it...

They had a lou, then got a second one who is black, so now they have white and black lous

I’m assuming you were being sarcastic, but the Bonfire is pretty good when they get on a roll. It isn’t Stern or O and A in their prime but it’s better than anything else on SXM.

I️ wasn’t being sarcastic at all lol

I like this.

Unlike Bill Burr's take which was just "women shouldn't have to put up with it" but "Louis is being witch hunted" and "women sexually harass more".

Still like to know how what Faggy did is assault.

The Mexican ginger is funny even when sexually assaulting. What a genius.

Tsss wats she like a bag days a pare a undaware day bunches up in ya fawkin asshole or sumthin