"Shitloaf" is more of a man than Old Mrs. Quan

29  2017-11-14 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


Ill take a sheepish failure over a 40 year old skater with Jizz hardened hair and an I.Q of 6

He's sulking because a co worker doesn't like him. This is a product of everyone wins trophy handouts.

No i think hes especially weak or its a defence mechanism to get people to stop criticizing him by feeling sorry for him

Troy was 28 when they started giving every kid a trophy.

I meant shitloaf. He's sulking because troy doesn't like him.

going by his intellect he was probably still at school at that age.

Congrats Sam & Jim for having the lamest radio crew possible.

Troy is a sad sack. I think karma does exist and Troy has been a bad boy.

He did throw his girlfriend off a cliff

troy has probably lived enough lives for 10 of you here