How long before the godfather don mafia boss of fake faggot fighting Vince McMahon is taken down for being a good egg back in the 90's?

20  2017-11-14 by brothermanbrotherman


Don't fucking jinx it

I been saying something similar to my friend watched wrestling with me as a kid. He still follows it and once in a while will bring it up in conversation.

Everyday that passes they get further and further from all the "drama" that happened in the past. when vince finally dies I think they will be in the clear but for the moment; with the current climate it could be a slippery slope. All the ring boy stuff from the 80's , how many of the "superstars" used to drop halcion into drinks then have their way with women.

Most of the boys are smart enough to not bring that shit up in shoot interviews but the ones that dont have much to lose told all the tales.

Its all out there for anyone who wants to connect the dots.

This kind of thing actually sounds really interesting, think you can direct me to an article/site/book where I can get my fill of reading about this stuff?

most of the info / stories are from "shoot interviews". here is a link to 1 made by a company called kayfabe commentaries.

there are also "shoots" out there from RF Videos.

for text info check out the wrestling observer from dave meltzer.

Woah Thanks! Appreciate it!

Wasn't he accused by someone years ago? Back then you can get past that.

Vince is untouchable. His employes are not.

Anyone who watches (and even enjoys) oiled up men dance around in tights, doesn't care about women being harassed. They'll just claim it's a work.

theres no way stacey keibler didnt suck vinces cock on that private jet

That man is one seriously funny nigger. No way he wasn't dicking down some of those fucked up female wrestlers.

But how will Sam get his jollies off without buff, semi nude men grappling each other?

They say on cold, moonless nights, when even the stars dare not shine, you can still hear the faint sounds of Vince fisting Lita.

Pat Patterson is/was a huge faggot and certainly used his power to fuck young wrestlers. It's not even a secret.

Bill Burrs brother?

They have really tight confidentiality contracts. He knows what he’s doing. He’s scott free until after he dies.

"Fake faggot fighting" well said

I still remember the Vince McMahon-Trish Stratus storyling where Vince was recently separated from his wife Linda McMahon and he celebrated by flaunting his new relationship with Trish, in which she was practically prostituting herself for career advancement, and it culminated in this excellent piece of television.

Man, Monday Night Raw sure was bonerific as a teenager.

Didn't he get her to go on all four's and bark like a dog one time too? Vince is a good egg.

The McMahons don’t even give a shit what there fans want. And there fans don’t care about these types of allegations. I guess something might affect the next WWE-Scooby Doo crossover .... I know that would be a blow to all of us....

Whatever Vince has done probably pales in comparison to what the Von Erichs did in their short, fucked-up lives.

Vince is a man. He'd tell them to fuck off and laugh in their faggoty faces while doing so.

I don't think the general public cares enough about wrestling for it to really be a story.

I know the indies are really hot right now, but at the end of the day, WWE is wrestling in America. So even if there is a story, what would come of it?

Perhaps Vince will step down, but then the company will just go to his idiot daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family

No one cares about Weinsteins production company either........... wrestling isn't the story here.

Rita Chatterton Nancy Argentino

Greatest egg of all time.