You faggots need to see this before you start blindly following Mel Gibson. I personally feel like the man is entitled to his opinion, but some of you may feel like he's "not our guy" after this...

1  2017-11-14 by Every1ShouldBKilled


first comment is best: He has a right to his own opinion. I am glad he doesn't support Clinton

Pretty standard Catholic stuff. We don't tend to like walls unless they're around the Vatican. :)

Pretty sure Mel Gibson hates the Vatican. His father did, in any case.

Yeah he's a Sedevacantist.




He's just sneaking back into Hollywood to destroy them from the inside.

Why do you need to follow anybody?

The people who suck Trump's dick are equally as annoying as the people who lick Clinton's twat.

Meh, so he wasn’t a fan of either of them. Who gives a turkey?

He's not wrong. I don't hate all spics, I just prefer the US remain a majority white country.


Nah he's still our guy

He's still /ourguy/, you soyboy.

I️ love him and he can do no wrong

Turns out he said "smile and know me"

If you think Trump is a good president you're just as retarded as people like Hillary

you guys dont understand mel is based, but he did the movie the gringo, in witch he gets in hocus pocus at the borderr, wtf i thought this was oppie and anthony, patrice talks how he loved this movie

Does he think that illegals enlist in the Army? Like they're just allowed?

Don't forget, he's Australian.

He’s not

Yeah he is

He’s from jersey

He was raised in the planet's asshole, Australia

Born in Buffalo, N.Y.

He was raised in the dumpster we know as Australia

He was actually born in Peekskill. He was in the state's for the first twelve years and he has basically lived his whole adult life in America.

fuck you mel's my nigga and im a dirty spick

Saint Mel as far as I'm concerned...


God damn do I want a beard like that.