One of Louis accusers (the one that rejected the hand show) speaks out to the news

15  2017-11-13 by Lilcumia


It's a beta thing to do, but she acts like he raped her.

Well, for some of us that's all the game we have.


Holy shit “I can’t imagine what you had to live through”.....he asked to jack off in front of her, she said no, and they both moved on. Women are coming completely unhinged

"Women are powerful too! We can face anything just like men!"

"He asked me if I was willing to watch him masturbate, I said no and he said okay and walked away and I haven't been the same since"


"She hopes the behavior will stop"

Hasn't it, though? Her incident in 2005 seems like the last time he propositioned someone like this (that we know of).

Wow she's so brave for waiting until a bunch of actual sexual assault victims came out and stirred up a bunch of shit to the point where coming out about your sexual harassment story was a virtue to tell us that once a guy asked her if she wanted to participate in a sexual activity and she said no and he was embarrassed and respected her decision. What a fucking victim. I can't imagine how much courage and bravery it must have taken to use this fucking minuscule nothing of an event in her life to help her gain publicity to probably promote her absolute lack of talent. Fuck this nothing. I don't even want to give this shit clicks. Fuck Louis for going full faggot, but fuck these people a thousand times more. These bottom feeding no talent nothings that couldn't make anything out of their careers so they have to pull some fucking weaselly shit like this to get their name out there. Kill yourself you wannabe victim.

whoa, tell us how you really feel or sumptin!

Unironically, thank you for your service.

Yes means no you fucking cishet shit #PayAttentiontoMe

She was on King Of Queens and managed to stand out with her bad acting.

He deserves to be shamed for being a creepy weirdo, but not to have his career and life destroyed.

is she a little person?

You didn’t hear her theme song?

"talking about a middle aged man who mastubates everywhere"

He should call her to say, “I really am sorry. I was wrong. I thought you were Janeane. But it was just the glasses.”

I'm glad this is frint page news, while child sex rings run rampant and unspoken of. This world sucks cock.

Wait, so she was a producer and co-head writer on the show? So she was his boss? It's gross that she's even trying to be a part of this story.

She's a bad person. Louis basically asked if she wanted to hook up, she said no and he respected it. Then approx 10 years later Louis (now a huge star) went out of his way to apologize to her! But still, another 2 years later this dopey bitch sees an opportunity to be called brave online and is actively ruining a mans life and humiliating him for her own gain. This is so fucked up

He asked her a rude question.

That's it.

"You can literally night somebodys life by giving them a show"... So you kept this non story a secret in the hope Louis would make you a star? He propositioned a grown woman to participate in a kind of creepy act, she considers it a horrific thing to do but decided her career was more important than her dignity. Which was never compromised in the first place. Definitely grounds to destroy the man. Well done. So brave.

What the fuck is wrong with Louis,all these broads are skanks.ugly mugly.