Literally has zero moral ground to stand on. Disgusting deviant sexual predator. Will burn in hell one day for being an evil faggot? He pretty much is Anthony Cumia

0  2017-11-13 by unclepaul84


Anthony Cumia is a pedophile. If the allegations against Takei are true, at least he did it to an adult.

Also Takei has actually been a force for good for decades at this point. Anthony assaults and does comedy to women in his basement.

Anthony would bend Takei over and show him who the real mo is.

It's an interesting scenario. Takei is too weak to defend himself which definitely turns Ant on but Takei doesn't have stapled on titties.

I think takei is in better physical shape ban anthony even though he's older. No heart attacks to my knowledge.

That's a good point. I'd still probably give it to Anthony. Those people are tricky. You don't make a living pickpocketing tourists in Istanbul if you don't have a few tricks up your sleeve.

A “force for good”? Queer

Clearly my wording was steeped in folly but he's given a shit about and helped people other than himself for years. The only thing Anthony has done for other people is bite them.

He’s on the board of a bank. A real Mother Teresa

Feel free to peruse the massive 'activism' section of his wiki page.

Why would anyone in their right mind do that? He flew a spaceship and blew guys.


Anyone who says force for good is a faggot.

Yeah, but I don't agree that he'll burn in hell one day. I think he's going to burn forever.

Anthony has already burnt in hell. Look at his face.

Zulus gay?

Sneaky jap.

It's an interesting scenario. Takei is too weak to defend himself which definitely turns Ant on but Takei doesn't have stapled on titties.

Feel free to peruse the massive 'activism' section of his wiki page.

I think takei is in better physical shape ban anthony even though he's older. No heart attacks to my knowledge.