It sucks to live in England it seems...

86  2017-11-13 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


I see far more polish here then Muslims tbh. I am amazed they have anyone under the age of 30 left in Poland.

There are more than 3 million muslims in England, and less than 1 million Polish, you should look more.

Probably something to do with self-segregation, people stick together naturally in their 'enclaves'. Toronto is the same way, we have tons of immigrants, one of the highest rates of 'multiculturalism' but all around my neighbourhood and most of downtown where I spend most of my time is very very white. But drive north for 15min and it changes drastically.

Sure, but even English people can read, Muhammed have been the most common name of newborns the last 3 years, and the growth in the muslim population is extraordinary (other non-western groups are also growing fast) And still these faggots complain about the Polish, who work hard and will mostly go home in the end anyway. (In contrast to non-western groups who doesn't work and will never leave.)

Yeah u/dennyislife you need to remember that some of the people on this sub also read the_donald and follow paul Joseph Watsons twitter, so your actually life experience of living in England means shit..

It's hilarious how people fall for his shit. The sad thing is i lean to the right but they take it too far to make cash out of dumb Americans so any valid points they have are thrown in with total shite.

Hilarious right? Imagine thinking that non western mass immigration and rapidly falling birth rates will destroy Europe... Let's concentrate on the Polish carpenters, they are the "real" problem "mate", you're a lot smarter than all those dumb Americans...

These people are the biggest cowards in England. They'll criticize Polish immigration all day, but won't say shit about third world shit skins for fear of being called racist.

I live here. I don't like them. I know you are being fed shite too.

I'm not fed anything, i live in Scandinavia, i have paki-muslims and Polish people as my neighbours. Dont assume you're smarter than everyone else, unwarranted arrogance is Englands biggest problem.

Lol fuck off irrelevant snow man.

Fuck you, tiny malnourished englishman with your rotten fucking teeth. "lol"

I'm more of a Nazi than a "Trump supporter" per se..

Depends where you live. I see more Eastern Europeans in the north still, down south you get far more Muslims though. I went across London on a Sunday in the summer through Highbury to get to a match in Finsbury Park. You'd literally have no idea you were in England.

I split my time between north and south. Muslims tend to stick together more. Think it's the cousin fucking so if you don't go to their shit part of town you don't see them. Poles seem to work in every hotel.

Yeah for sure, obviously you have your Bolton’s parts of Greater Manchester that’s full of them all grouped together up here. But I’m from St Helens and that’s probably one of the whitest places around. Yeah female poles are hotels, male poles are warehouse work, builders or Taxi drivers

have you noticed how ugly the men are? I can literally spot them from across the room as not being english. The women can trick me every once in a while but even the good looking ones look 'other'

In the words of a British cop,
"Stop! Or I'll tell you to 'stop' again!"

I hear they arrest you for frowning when reading an article about immigration now, using the camera on your laptop or mobile device.

England truly is lost

They just need more CCTV cameras and access to your encrypted Whats App messages, then the terrorism will stop!

I do have a soft spot for England. They did vote for brexit. At least they trying to keep the filth out of their country.

Lmao fucking are they?

The citizens? Probably. The government? Fuck no.

Yes. That was the idea.

Friends, some of you would benefit from taking a break ranting about how all stand-ups suck and the Jews run everything to open a fake newspaper and consume some fake news.

Our sports may be made up

They may cause their players to turn their brains into jelly

They may be mainly played by hulking retards who are often not a member of a civilized race

But at least our sports are fun to watch

England is fucked but it fucked itself. No one else is to blame. A backwards overly PC culture and open door policy to immigration has more or less made every major city plagued with worthless benefit leaches and Muslim rape gangs.

Multi cultural though.

Canada has a skills-based immigration system and it's worked very well for us... unlike the US where 64% of people coming are 'relatives or family' of other immigrants and only 15% are skills/work based.

I'm not anti immigration whatsoever as long as it's sensible. In Europe it's just a free for all and The UK is a massive draw due to it's free healthcare and benefits culture.

Have you seen Vancouver? Sure, the Chinese aren't plowing people over with cars, but instead they bought every single house just in case their grandkid needs it two generations from now.

Well the promotion of multicultural values, culture as well as immigration policies that lead to the dispossession of the majority don't happen overnight. They brought it upon themselves yes, but there's also a (((a vested interest))) pushing it continuously in media and policy.

Pretty sure Chicago alone has more murders annually than the entire country of England.

Who mentioned murder fuck head?

The original comic posted?

No, it was referencing pc culture in England. Why even try to compare the problems in England with murder in Chicago? Poor attempt at a straw man argument.

How is "PC culture" a bigger problem than murder?

Because institutionalizing political correctness ultimately leads to the death of native-born countrymen.

Also, fuck Islam.

All those big words, but we still get way more murders and mass shootings than they do here. But hey, don't let me stop you from watching Gavin McCinnes videos on youtube and fighting the culture war!

Piss on this fuckin' turd!

It's not England, it's the UK you twat. I only know because I lived there. Who would of thought if you make Muslim countries colonies hundred years ago and give them the opportunity to migrate to the UK and leach like every other citizen in the UK if you got your cunt off of your faggot husband's dick. Rich Vos will be at Goonies Comedy Club in Rochester, Minnesota November 24th - 26th

someone make this but about mass shootings and the American gun lobby

Oh i forgot.. the NRA is like totally as bad as ISIS

Shut up commie cuck


That doesn’t even fucking relate you daft cunt.

ISIS would be compared to the mass shooters (and various other gun killers) themselves, not the fucking association for the weapons.

Your argument is as retarded as a certain Mcfarlane family member.



His name was Seth Rich.

Isnt it about to be illegal to mock muslims in Britain?

It pretty much is already.

Around 10 years ago they brought in a law which made it illegal to incite racial hatred. It's pretty much been used to stop people saying anything wrong about Islam.

A few people warned how dangerous it could be including Rowan Atkinson but no one really listened.

It's depressing and pretty scary to think how far-reaching the scope is for stuff like that.

It starts out with misguided but mostly good intentions and ends up where you won't even be able to joke about this type of shit.

America is very lucky to have freedom of speech as a right. I can't see life here in Britain getting easier any time soon when it comes to expressing anything even slightly negative about what people see as soft targets.

Oddly I’ve had more trouble entering that garbage country than anywhere else I’ve been.

Well if ur not a jihadist ur going to have trouble getting in there

US needs UK gun laws. UK needs US immigration laws.

When I shoot you for trying to take my guns do you want it in the face or the solar plexus or what...?

I figure I’d ask to be polite.

Internet tough guy.

Do the faggy cops in England still only have billie clubs ?

It's hard to believe that a nation that used to have such a large empire of exploited colonies and people turned out to be one of the biggest pussies on Earth.

You saying Poland > England?

Follow up question, you ever been to Poland?

Id rather go there. Theyre still men and women there.

Those Polacks breed some fine women too.

No they don't... have you ever met a polish person? We have fuckin tons over here in the Britain and the women are joked about how ugly and hard there faces are.. just like OP, you are regurgitating shit you've read on the Donald or right wing twitter accounts

English women are slobs. No one ever says English women are hot. You might get the occasional one but overall they're horrors.

Hey, don't stick up for England.

That's why polish people fight to locate themselves inside the UK and northern europe, they live too well and got tired of living in the pure Caucasian fantasy.

Polish people are good people, I had nothing but good experiences with them, but people hate polish people, especially in the UK where they are considered shit by people on your side.

At least they dont run you over and blow you to bits

When you put it like that.(I doubt you get the reference)

I've been to Poland and it's a fine country. The people don't take any shit but they're very friendly and drink like mad fucks, the women are gorgeous and it's cheap too.

I would happily move there.

I'm not saying that, but the country is fucked by their own government.

You haven't been to Poland then going by that comment...

Then you've clearly never been to Poland

Here come the jealous brits.

Yeah, Poland has no problems. That's why these 3rd world "white" fucks are overrunning our countries (western europe)

I prefer those problems to the UK and US.

At least Polish people are not trying to rewrite the fundamentals of reality

You are deluded if you honestly think you prefer living in Poland over the UK. Poland is crime ridden, it's poverty ridden, their young are emigrating en masse because it's unbearable living in that shithole.

Ask yourself, why the fuck would a polish with a master's degree move to Norway to be a cashier or a water if their country is so much better to live in than the multicultural hell of Northern Europe? I am not saying I like multi-culture, but don't go thinking Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and those other 100% white garbage countries have less or better problems than the UK.

At least the people are real

You missed out corrupt.

Poland has the sixth largest economy in the EU and one of the safest.

Sixth largest economy but it has a big population as well. GDP per capita in poland is 12 000 usd. If you are from one of the poorer cities in Poland you can earn a year's worth of polish wage by working for a month as a carpenter in Norway.

Oh yeah, and the crime stats in Poland have improved somewhat after they enrered EU because their criminals travel across rich Europeans countries such as UK, France, Germany where there is more money to make. Still, outside the biggest cities in Poland, the country is poverty ridden, crime infested shit hole. They can only dream of having a life as prosperous as the Swedes they like to make fun of.

Is that why Sweden's HDI (human development index) is project to fall twenty spots by the year 2030? The Swedes had something good going and they've decided to fuck it up.

muh GDP

I'd rather have a socially cohesive society than one riddled with crime and multiculturalism.

I'd rather have a socially cohesive society than one riddled with crime and multiculturalism.

How about you try to live in one of those "socially cohesive" societies before you talk? Norway has over a 100 000 polish immigrants. Do you think there are anywhere close to 100 000 Norwegians in Poland? It's the same everywhere in Europe. There are more poles in the UK than Britons in Poland. There are far far far more Polish in Germany than Germans in Poland.

It's easy to talk about how much you'd looove to live in a 100% white shithole like Poland when you've never tried. There is a fucking reason why their youth are fleeing to Western Europe, while virtually no Western European would want to live there.

Also, GDP per capita is an important measurement of how well a country is doing you utter moron. Poland has a GDP per capita that is 1/3 that of the UK. You would expect a 100% white country, with a "cohesive society" would manage to create a viable economy so that its highly educated youth don't have to be waitresses and cashiers in Northern Europe.

How about you try to live in one of those "socially cohesive" societies before you talk?

I do live in one, buddy. Also, Norway is one.

Yes, everyone knows what GDP means, not sure what your point is other than sounding like an autist. Within 100 years the Swedes will be begging for refuge in Poland.

Hahah! Which east european shithole are you living in?

Why are you such a sperg?

Opie, is that you??

Those fawkin' SJWs maaaan! They're killing our livelihood!! I'm moving to Poland to start from scratch sniff sniff

Keep projecting.

Errrrr try going to poland as a black American and see how far you will get. Poland is a racist muther fucker as a country. Regardless of race.

Dude... would you rather live in San Angeles in Demolition Man, or in the underground?

Because UK and US are San Angeles. Real life has crime and racism and all kinds of bad things. Why? Because theyre more free.

I will gladly risk my safety to not be arrested for not thinking the "right" way

Didn't they have rat burgers underground?


Sure. Better than no salt at taco bell

I'm more offended by the fact that you Brits refuse to do anything about all the Asians in London. I get that you're too scared to fight the Muslims but the Asians are as big of pussies as you guys. Surely you can tell them to hit the bricks.

The problem with this cartoon is it's portraying Britain completely wrong. It's more like what Fox news would think we are like.

We are more like this.

I don’t know, I feel like I can spot them both pretty well. They definitely have a look and attitude you can spot a mile away.

Oh i forgot.. the NRA is like totally as bad as ISIS

Shut up commie cuck


Lmao fucking are they?

Sixth largest economy but it has a big population as well. GDP per capita in poland is 12 000 usd. If you are from one of the poorer cities in Poland you can earn a year's worth of polish wage by working for a month as a carpenter in Norway.

Oh yeah, and the crime stats in Poland have improved somewhat after they enrered EU because their criminals travel across rich Europeans countries such as UK, France, Germany where there is more money to make. Still, outside the biggest cities in Poland, the country is poverty ridden, crime infested shit hole. They can only dream of having a life as prosperous as the Swedes they like to make fun of.

English women are slobs. No one ever says English women are hot. You might get the occasional one but overall they're horrors.

Hey, don't stick up for England.

Why are you such a sperg?