Reminder to all British sock cuckas here

56  2017-11-13 by SirWallaceII



Hey arsehole - I suck dicks because I'm a faggot, not cos I'm English.


Oi stick a crumpet in your loo-hole govna

Obesity > Americans

English fat people r a plenty sir

Obesity is greater than americas? Can u even speak math? sock cucka

Me: I was a rockstar at math. Sniff + Tits = Faggot

Yeah but does he have a statue of him riding a gay horse dressed as a roman emperor made by his son who hated him?

half finished rock carving nearly as bad i guess.

Ho Chi Minh -> Tom Cruise in a wheelchair.

Tom Cruise is a self healing theta 7

The queen is a boring old biddy

Dried up old wold pussy

You been knocking back those white wine spritzers again?

He's more animal than man!

language sir

Our Limey is better than your Limey, our Limey is the Limiest of all

Don't them niggas have a woman leading their country? America might suck at many things, but at least we don't have a woman leading our country. Always remember that.

I bid thee good day sir!!

They were both Cuckolded wig wearing pasty faced Faggots.

Fuck the limeys

I just noticed in the past day or so that Prince Charles is a pretty cool chap

Can't we just get along so we can team up against the shit coloreds??

Pretty sure the police have this on lock down

Leopold II dabesso

While I do agree with OP on GW I must say I respectfully apologize to any and all of the Queen's subjects for the Kardashians.

I like Britain because they got no ebonics. Them blacks talk just like the whites and that's progress.

They still say "let me ax you this" though its weird

Great Britain is not so great...shinkle bout it

Actually sir, it's Louis XVI > King George III.

Louis XVI and King George III did 69 on each other while Washington was taking shits the size of your forearm, perfectly tapered on both ends. Guy had fawkin amazing digestion.

You'd still be british if it wasn't for good ol' Louis. If we weren't fighting the French and Spanish navies at the same time, and doing a jolly fine job of it, you'd be singing God save the queen right now bucko!

We're just happy you're not french

Why was this removed? What was it?

It said "George Washington > King George III"