It's easy to criticize men when it's not your job to approach

10  2017-11-13 by strangelyinspiring



After striking out on tinder for the past few weeks, I finally just messaged a match with "I'd really like to fuck you" and I got her number within minutes. I'll check back in after I disappoint her sexually.

You don't ask a fish how to fish.

There are two things most women aren't built for, leadership and courtship. Both traits work hand in hand to attract and keep a good woman.

After going on about two hundred online dates, I came up with a formula to get laid:

1) schedule the date at a bar within walking distance of her place

2) at the end of the date, ask her to go back to her place. Every single time.

It's a no lose situation:

Even if she says no, she's usually flattered that you find her attractive.

But they usually say "yes."

The thing that freaks me out is the idea that one of these women could suddenly get buyer's remorse and create problems for me years after the fact.

I've always had consensual sex, but I also found that SJWs were the easiest women to have sex with. In my experience, they have very low standards for who'll they'll fuck.

You meant to send this to the 'lifestyles' section of your local newspaper.

they said to sent it to the O&A subreddit


Louis could have saved himself a lot of bother by not straight up asking them to watch him tug his pecka. Could have even paid for it.

Worst part is women don't know what they want.
If you had ten women write a script for a man and send him clubbing, he'd go home empty-handed.
I really don't get why they cry and complain so much. Men instinctively want to protect and love women and pay their entire way through life. For the most beta of males, all they want in exchange is a WHIFF of pussy.
Wish I was a broad. Life would be so much easier. Then again, they're psychologically incapable of being happy.

You don't hate a child for not knowing how to please itself, or attend to it's own happiness.

Women look up to men, and derive their happiness and direction in life from male personal leadership. Their happiness is more fleeting than ours', and so we coddle them into contentedness.

Speak for yourself. I brain them with a hammer and blow a load before the body lets go of its fecal matter.

You don't hate a child for not knowing how to please itself, or attend to it's own happiness.

Women look up to men, and derive their happiness and direction in life from male personal leadership. Their happiness is more fleeting than ours', and so we coddle them into contentedness.