Jim and Sam Show 11/13/2017 LIVE STREAM

2  2017-11-13 by porsalin


Kelsey Cook.... yeah, cook me something and shut it fuddah muckah

I wish they'd cook up a better guest

She still has yet to make a single joke on any appearance or say anything interesting that doesn't involve a Jim character.

Her entire career is "Jim said..."

Oh terrific, well im just going to iron my laughing trousers in preparation

Fuck dude I honestly would kill myself if I was shorter than Sam Roberts

Tuned in this morning to hear Jimmy "Too Cool For The Room" huff disgustedly about Travis and Sam discussing things that happened on Stranger Things last year, in season 1.

Travis smartly called him out and said, "You were referencing The Omen 2" a few minutes ago.

Travis again proves he's the best person in this shitty universe.


Sam is defending his love of wrestlers by attacking Jim's worship of Ozzy Osborne. Jim is saying Ozzy is cool and Sam's got other, let's say, less than savory reasons for liking wrestlers.

Who's right, you guys? Call in and tell us which host you side with!

I wish they'd cook up a better guest

Oh terrific, well im just going to iron my laughing trousers in preparation