Mike Myers speaks about losing his personal firearm, and domestic abuse

1  2017-11-13 by AnnJilliansBrassiere


Anybody still jerk off to Poison Ivy?

That’s Drew Barrymore who was in Batman Forever playing one of Twoface’s girls, Sugar. Uma Thurman played Poison Ivy in Batman and Robin. So there’s my nerdy response.

As far as jerking off goes... young Drew Barrymore has always been in my top 3 since I was a kid. She still drives me insane. As far as Uma Thurman... check her out in a movie called The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. She’s young, naked and amazing.

I love Munchhausen too but I brought up Poison Ivy because it's a film with young Drew Barrymore where she seduces Tom Skerret. I didn't mean the Batman character.

My bad, fam. That’s cool that you know Munchausen. Such an underrated gem from Terry Gilliam.

That scene with the Reaper at the beginning still frightens me. And yeah young Uma as Venus. Wow!

young Drew Barrymore has always been in my top 3 I too enjoyed seeing her in ET.

Check out young Uma in Dangerous Liaisons.

Easily the best she ever looked... But there's a wild muff under those patchy denim bellbottoms. My dad had the issue of Playboy with her on the cover.

She looked better in E.T. Shuuuree

That scene with the Reaper at the beginning still frightens me. And yeah young Uma as Venus. Wow!