What do you guys think of Stranger Things

0  2017-11-13 by timallenonacid



It stinks and I don't like it. It really should have let us know the time period it takes place in, not enough clues.

Didn't you hang classic 80's movie posters on your wall as a kid?

Agree but still found it entertaining. Even though it was very poorly written. Kind of like Marvel movies, fun to watch but in actuality, utter shit.

Very gay. I hate when shows set in an era shove the references in your face.

We get it. It's the 80s.

The fact that it's a little girl who is the "hero" and there's a token black kid is nothing but pandering.

I think the fact that there’s a token black kid is one of the only reasons it isn’t pandering. That’s true to the 80’s. Black kid hangs around just because.

The little girl isnt the "hero" but I like how you put "hero" in quotes like oh maybe shes not a hero after all because she's a girl.

Season two is kinda lame.

I've never watched this show, seen a few instances of a little girl being some sort of magical force. So I assumed she was some sort of a hero. Go white Knight somewhere else. Sorry I'm not Progressive like you. I see through this bullshit.

You've never seen the show, you're wrong about what its actually about, but I'm white knighting? Boy oh boy, this is rich.

The little girl is the mulligan for the story, the three little boys are trying to help her and save their fourth friend. Then theres a second group thats a girl (gasp, oh shit I know right bruh?) and two guys. But its two guys, so thats balanced at least right, dummy?

The fact that you're an adult and watch his show is disturbing.

Is it?

I would say so. It's almost a pathetic attempt you to try to regain what you used to have as a child.

I'm guessing you're a fan of The Big Bang Theory too right?

I didn't have any of that stuff as a child, it was the 90s. I watch TV shows, this is all very weak trolling on your part.

Never seen Big Bang Theory.

Go back to your wrestling sub and admire men grappling each other.

Ha, you looked at my comment history to find some shit, jesus you're so lame. Yes, I do watch wrestling.

That explains everything. Thanks for your time good sir.

Werent you originally complaining about a show having a girl in it though? Wouldnt you like wrestling then?

No not really. I'm just not a virtue signaling cuck like yourself.

Ha, oh boy now you're getting to the greatest hits. You are one of the lowest effort shit posters I've seen in awhile, bud.

I haven't made any claims that can't be backed up by your post history.

Sure, lets see some of them. This should be fun.

Sorry, I'm at work. So I have time to be going and copying and linking your posts.

But with the quick look I see that you're upset about Anthony being mad about women being Call of Duty and then you go on and another post and say that Stephanie for the WWE is a great character you seem to be virtue signaling towards women.

Neither of those are virtue signalling, dont mention gender in either one.

Women aren't a gender? Jesus man you're so far left it's embarrassing.

You're a male feminist version of Sam Roberts

You cant be dumb enough to think talking about a woman existing is the same as discussing her gender as related to the topic.

It's the way you come to their defense. Just like how you defended the little girl who I said it was a "hero"

Nope, try again dummy. I also said the little girl was not the hero of the show, thats not defending her its highlighting that you dont know what you're talking about.

The fact you got upset that I put it in quotation marks.

Nope, try again dummy. I wasnt upset any more than I'd be upset if someone said you stop on green and go on red. The in quotes thing is about the funniest, hackest internet thing going. Like when people say "comedy" because they dont think it's funny.

Do you need a safe place?

Wow you're really not good at this. I've called you a cliche like 3 times and you're still going to go back to this well? Jesus man.

I like your rhetoric. Agree with me or you're wrong.

It helps when you're as wrong as you are.


Good one.

I feel sorry for your mother

Movie reference, I get it!

I couldn't figure out how to write it in chink speak

Its cool dude I still totally got your sick movie reference.

Thanks, brah

The little girl is the mulligan for the story

Did you mean McGuffin? Mulligan doesn't make sense.


Oh shut the fuck uuuuupppp you PUSSY. Fucking grow up out of your dumb ass super liberal fag stage.


Gaten Matarazzo < Joe Matarese

suuupppper gay. but it has some good moments. its fun to watch and rip on.

Looks awful

I like it a lot, especially for it’s humor. The cop, the girl and the funny kid are my faves. Looks like it will be getting more melodramatic, too bad

Gay as shit.

At fucking annoying how popular it is

You could watch it on mute and not miss anything of value

I was dissapointed as fuck because every single person I know overhyped it. Its not bad but everyone is fucking gay for thinking even the first season was SO BADASS

Nostalgia porn

This is the only place I've seen a negative reaction to this show.

It's such an overrated sack of pop culture, rip off, liberal, safe faggot, predictable, old man cum wrapped in a shiny wrapper.

I hope the young cast have all been given the Corey Haim treatment.

Pile of shit from episode 1. A person's reaction to that show is a great barometer of taste

It's a slightly enjoyable show that, for some unknown reason, has been lauded as the second coming of Christ.

Is it?

I like your rhetoric. Agree with me or you're wrong.