I'm not going to be afraid anymore. I want to let you guys know I like Opie and that I miss him and I know I'm not alone.

0  2017-11-13 by expedition11g


Burn him at the stake!

There has to be one person who enjoys him steering the show as much as I did. Was he a good pilot? No. I'm not a good comedian either so why can't we appreciate how hard he tried?

cuz he was too much about the ME ME ME

I rarely hear anything like that and assume he, like most of us, would find it hard to not want to be included sometimes in the Jimmy and Anthony love fest.

he could have contributed something to the conversation

He was Anthony's foil. Opie is The coffee, not the gin. Honestly sometimes They have such bad ADD that I'm very thankful when Opie comes in to remind them they need to finish some audio or get back to Jocktober.

Give him a cum tribute then if you love him so thankful.

I said "like", not "love". You seem to have trouble reading when your unoriginal "April falls" post bombed so now you're monitoring this thread with nothing to add still? Please go back to the kiddy table, the adults are talking.

Give him a cum tribute then if you like him so much.

Good boy, do it again.

Be a good boy and unload your cummies onto a picture of the Opster

im going to throw the stick farther so I want you to run even faster now back to daddy with it okay? Go get it boy.

all you have to do is watch how people viewed him. fucking recording people as they leave the building in order to go viral, ect, ect ect ect ect.

its been covered a thousand times already. Opie was a black hole, not unlike Sam but worse.

Nigga what the fuck's coffee got to do with gin? Weirdo.

if you had a job and drank coffee you would know


Good boy, get the stick again for daddy

Not that bit you worthless faggot. Kill yourself.

Aaand punt

Something made out of juniper berries that mixes with citrus and quinine flavors is THE LAST type of booze a non-psychopath would even think to put in coffee. If you're worried about breath put tequila in weirdo.

Something made out of juniper berries that mixes with citrus and quinine flavors is THE LAST type of booze a non-psychopath would even think to put in coffee. Weirdo.

I aGrEe


Opie supporters unite! He’s going to prove all the hater$ wrong! Comback time for the opester! Vurry good

I don't think he needs a comeback. I just hope he gets a job soon.

This is not how you begin to rebuild a show.

I haven't found anyone with any substantial evidence of why Opie was bad on O&A.

sHeT Up. hE iS a mAn oF lOWeR sToCK

Run the stick back faster to me this time, like a good boy.

Ew nice post history homo

He stepped on bits to take bad phone calls, had every attempt at a joke bomb, lied about nearly all of his stories, had thin skin so everyone was afraid to even slightly bust his balls, thought Sherrod Small would be a good replacement for Anthony, ruined any chance of them succeeding on Free FM, said Carl Ruiz reminded him of meeting Anthony in 1994, etc.

STOP using Kratom.

im going to throw the stick farther so I want you to run even faster now back to daddy with it okay? Go get it boy.