Women create #MeAt14 tag to show pedos how they looked like when they were 14

17  2017-11-13 by TotallyNotObsi


This is going great

Well at least we know Ant won't be drunk twitting about feminists and blacks tonight.

Jesus. There's already enough stuff on the internet for me to jerk off to and now they go and do this?

first thing I thought

  • How do you mass-download pics from twitter based on hashtag

This idea must be some 4chan trick (or Jews) - this cant be real

I love it when Uncle Paul spearheads these social justice trends.

Yuck. Old ladies...

Women make my feminist beliefs difficult.

How the fuck are you an O&A fan?

I'm not a sensitive faggot?

You'll have to pardon my surprise towards your not being a sensitive faggot, given how most people in the feminist tranny campy are and all.

I understand that jokes are meant to funny and I don't take every joke as a political statement. I realize that there are issues of gender inequality that have nothing to do with something a comedian said.

Fair enough. Let's get to the real important questions...Where do you stand on the JQ?

I prefer denim, to be honest.

Oh Lordy it’s “Liberalism is actually manly, you guys” guy.

People can be decent human beings and still like jokes

Because supporting feminism makes you decent, right beta? gb2 /r/twoxchromosomes/

Fuck off you faggoty little red pill fag. Kill yourself.

You...you really hurt my feelings :,(

Good - go back to /r/mgtow

Nice assumption bro. I think they're wrong too.

You aren't a decent person because you believe the 'correct' ideology. Your actions, not your words on reddit or other social media, determine your character. Good luck getting any pussy with your beta attitude. I'm sure you're swimming in it.

You're the one who made an assumption telling me to go back to twoxchromosomes, you fucking moron. I'm sure all of that dipshit hypocrisy has got you swimming in pussy, you beta cuck faggot.

u mad

Nah u

Not on this sub

U r faggot

they really are self congratulating cunts

Oh boy! My file trading friends will love these!

Wow looks like a whole 17 people used that Hashtag

2017 really is the year of the victim. Everyone wants to be one

#MeAt14... wow, getting jerk-off material is getting easier.

You're the one who made an assumption telling me to go back to twoxchromosomes, you fucking moron. I'm sure all of that dipshit hypocrisy has got you swimming in pussy, you beta cuck faggot.