The New York Times should be burned down with it's employees and contributing employees stuck inside the building 1/100

53  2017-11-13 by TangerineReam


Honestly thought it'd be a woman. He's got the middle name right.

Every comment is againstv the article. Really makes me think

He's getting destroyed on Twitter too

They keep trying to push this radical leftist views as normal and mainstream. It shows the disconnect between these urban journalists and the average employed person (even within cities)

The colored writer had to hand that turd in to a white editor and he was such a pussy he didn't call the article a pile of shit and nip it in the bud. That man deserved to be pissed on as he burns to death.

Don't blame the white guy for this colored guy's idiocy. That's how we got here in the first place

Even if these white bigwigs aren't stupid, they're fucking weak.
Especially the kikes who have zero ethics and don't mind demonizing white men so they can make some extra scheckels.

People like him don't have any real friends anyways.

Yeah, only co-workers and people who use him as a pawn in their social life as a symbol of them not being racist

Good, please keep your niglet away from my pure white children.

That's just the opinion area of NYT though

"The only opinions worth printing"

If this discourages black kids from playing with whites than this might be a blessing

Ekow N. Yankah (@ekownyankah) is a professor at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University.


Good, both races would have been destroyed. Glad that problem is solved.

Warms my heart to see (((them))) fall for their own miscegenation propaganda.

oy vey

her schnozz has the length, but his has the girth

She got good credit.

It’s the readers you should be anger at. They are the dopes who eat this stuff up. NYT is just trying to make money of the ads and these kind of stories brings people. Blame the people.

If it didn't "sell papers", then cunts like this would still like this anyway. So you do have to blame this idiot too.

Not necessarily, the reason stupidity like this stays prevalent is because people now how social media to spit there take on the world. Social media made the morons have a voice. It’s sad but that is the world we live it. That’s why liberals are so retarded, they have twitter to shout and the morons to click the hearts to give them an ego boost.


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Written by "Ekow N. Yankah"

This is a name that George Lucas would come up with for one of his shitty characters.

"Woke" spelled backwards

What's the significance of the N. then?


'THEY' simply WILL NOT STOP until western civilization is in burning, smashed embers....

'THEY' does NOT mean the EKOW N. YANKAH'S of the world.....he is a MINDLESS black affirmative action hire who's TOO fucking STUPID to even understand the agenda he's serving.

who are 'THEY'??

--Well, they run the NY Times for one.....they are SAUL ALINSKY....they are KARL MARX...they maintain an APARTHEID STATE for their homeland; while brainwashing White Anglos to cheer their own cultural/ethnic annihilation

** if you're largely ignorant of The Frankfurt School; but seek to understand the machinations giving FUCKING RETARDS LIKE MR. YANKAH such a lofty voice in contemporary'd be VERY well served to read up on 'The Institute of Social Research' (i.e. Frankfurt School), how it formed, and what its objectives were.

Oh, I get it. 'THEY' are the Dutch. I knew it. Can't get one past me, motherfuckers!

-fawk yeah!!

People shit on Dipaolo, but he is one of the few comedians calling this stuff out even remotely. Have heard him bring up Alinsky and Rules For Radicals multiple times when battling smug leftists on his show. Nick is a good egg.

he calls it out tangentially, which is better then nothing. but if he really called it out, it would be his last day in "SHOWBIZ" for ever and ever.

I watched an old Tough Crowd the other day and DiPaolo actually mentioned the Frankfurt School by name. I was shocked, I don't think I heard that term anywhere around 2002-3, I used to watch Tough Crowd all the time and I didn't remember it at all.

A lot of posters here think he's just a dumb wop, and he is blunt, one sided, and repetitive. He's also well informed though and seems to genuinely care about the country and preserving our culture.

Irish scum bags !

Frankfurt School

Cultural Marxism is what will destroy western society.

Betteridge's law of headlines

Betteridge's law of headlines is one name for an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." It is named after Ian Betteridge, a British technology journalist, although the principle is much older. As with similar "laws" (e.g., Murphy's law), it is intended as a humorous adage rather than the literal truth.

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I mean, if they didn't get that treatment when Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer while lying about the Soviet Union intentionally starving millions of Ukrainians then I think they'll skate on this one.

"I am a white person and I agree with you, that if we whites are to be trusted, we have to put our money where our mouth is. That means stepping out of our comfort zones and speaking out if someone in our inner circle says or does racist things. It means taking meaningful action to be allies. I am doing my best. Those of us Whites who resist your words are experiencing "fragility" from losing control of the narrative and protesting too much that we're just living our lives, you've got things wrong. They believe in their own inability to cause pain just by virtue of their White privilege. My heart is heavy."

Yes, as we all know if you are born white it is your duty to prove to every non-white that you are worth trusting. This is honestly racism in its rawest form. Some people of x race exhibit y characteristic, therefore when I see anyone of x race I will assume they possess y characteristic until proven otherwise, and even sometimes after.

America is transfixed on the opioid epidemic among white Americans (who often get hooked after being overprescribed painkillers — while studies show that doctors underprescribe pain medication for African-Americans).

I like how she's the victim even though she just explained how Whites are the victim here.

These niggers are dumb anyway. The real problem isn't the pawns. It's the, ahem, elites behind the scenes.

When my girlfriend's 4 year old asked what why the person was brown and he heard, she told him because he was black. The nigger just laughed and said ya and you're white little dude. This shit isn't that complicated.

yea, and to think this is one of their more balanced articles....

Wait until you see the Schnozz on his (((wife)))

Nah this fool isn’t even black. Nigerian looking fellows in suits ALWAYS get passes