fawkin scarlett johnanasburg molestered me and shiznit

187  2017-11-12 by Single_Action_Army

I said fawkin' "Scarlett, ya gotta move away from the door so I can drive my lambergelli to work" and she says
"But CHIPPUH, I can't help it, you make my cootah SOPPIN'."



more like #methree or somethin

"Get out of here you hussie...I said."

times were tough back then

Wow I'm totally #metoo here.


Terribly unfunny sir

Ok too cool for the room guy. Faggot. Hope you die of aids.

that's a little much for a polite disagreement, no need to hurt feelings

well she is a jew

Another one - fantastic, fat jew tits

The way this sub simultaneously worships Chip and reviles Jim Norton the person is almost as unsettling as whatever psychological flaw made Norden develop his split personality in the first place. We really are a bunch of dysfunctional children.


Like a bunch a lakes or something.

i dont get the love for that crooked toothed whore. i see better looking cunts at my walmart.

Ha-ha! You go to Wal-Mart!

Target's where it's at, milf wise.

pfffttt, love my walmart and sams club is right next door!

i see better looking cunts at my walmart.

Well someone is doing mighty fine financially.

Look at all these high-faluting fatcats going to Walmart; I get my food out of my neighbour's dumpster and I enjoy it.

Ha-ha! You go to Wal-Mart!

Target's where it's at, milf wise.

i see better looking cunts at my walmart.

Well someone is doing mighty fine financially.