Opie turns Louis debacle into Howard jealousy.

48  2017-11-12 by RBuddCumia


I think Louis may have done Howard three times.

Pronounced "deb-a-kill"

Linger longer.


And every time he did Howard, he made sure to come over to your show afterwards.

That's not the point. This is about Opie's pathetic ego.

He doesn’t like you…I don’t like you, either.

He's wanted on no stations.

ME TOO. They made up false allegations.

Nice Star Wars reference.

When he started getting ridiculously famous he barely did our show anymore and then stopped doing it all together but did Howard

Probably because he got weirded out about how you used to treat him like just another friend of the show but then slobbered over what a big superstar he was now.

Remember the over the top opie laughter when super star CK could come in - yeck

He never fucking liked you Opie because you stopped treating him like another comic and started treating him like a celebrity. Every time he came in after his show started to get really successful you would only ask about that and fawn over him being so famous. You made him fucking uncomfortable.

The reason he hates you is because of shit like this where you cant read the fucking room because your phone is out recording.

I hate what Louis became, but nobody is worse than Opie.

What's wing with that? He fims everyting ...

What? I film plenty of guys taking shits

you think louie ever blocked an elevator door and then tried to cum before they hit the lobby

The reason he hates you is because of shit like this where you cant read the fucking room because your phone is out recording.

I love how Gervais' face just drains of all fun as he realizes this creep's making "a bit" out of joking around while leaving the building.

He really looks disgusted


I can't believe someone of no talent based his entire life around Howard.
Maybe aspire to be like Todd Pettingail or something, set your sights a little more realistically.

Bitches about Louis CK's loyalty, then tweets this.


So based on his tweets about Louie and his tweets about "rebuilding" does actually think his career is in any better shape than CK's?

This dude is crazy. And not like in the psycho "you wanna play?!" way he has tried to cultivate. Or in the "don't ever fuck with that dude he is crazy!" kind of way. Christmas is going to akward for the Hughe's clan this year.

he is a ward of the state cuz of fa la la

does the slipper shuffle in the fa la la

no knives or forks in the fa la la la la la la

The way he is acting about Louie just shows how mentally ill he is. There is hundreds of hours of audio of Louie on O&A acting like a friend... like a guy who legitimately knows them and it isn't a working relationship. As far as I know Anthony said the only guy who was actually just there for the exposure, and never palled around outside show hours was Burr. Opie is a retard.

One-trick Sloth.

So Louie still did their show even when he knew it had zero promotion value and this cunt still is bitching... Besides, guests dont owe loyalty to a show.

Why do you people continue to give this cuntnozzle attention?

yeah, all this Opie hype...

I guess Louie called Ant after he got fired to make sure he was ok. They would talk outside of the show too.

Did Opie ever hang out with ANY celebs like Ant did?

Rich Vos. He is Opies only friend outside of the Philly cum cracker crew.

I said celeb

I know, that is how pathetic Opie is.

And I don't think theyre even friends anymore. Opie wouldnt go to his roast but his wife was there. Looks like Lynsi got Rich and Bonnie in the divorce.

One, Vos isn't a celeb. Two, Opie turned his back on Vos for perceived slights so they aren't friends anymore. The Philly Crew can't fucking stand him, either.

He did used to call Patrice O'neal and talk on the phone with him for hours.

Why's he SO obsessed with this..

Actually, what bothers me more is Opie has this internal checklist of 'Did they did Howard Stern?" which he accepts as a satisfactory explanation to anyone who doesn't return his calls.

Howard Stern villiany right up there with 'fawkin haters' as far as Opie's favourite tropes

It's funny how Opie's rube fans think that Opie had any relationship or talked to anyone outside the show besides Kenny, the mexican chef and sharrod. Colin, Louis, Patrice, Bobby all probably hate him. Vos got money from him, so he had to pretend to like him for a while.

Now he's dodgin' him.

The mental gymnastics opie is capable of is astounding

Opie became weird & awkward towards C.K. once he became famous. He did the same with Schumer & Burr too.

I remember the last apparence I heard with Burr, Rich Vos was in & he busted Burr’s balls about something. Opie says something like “Rich! How could u say something like that infront of the Bill Burr”. As if Vos wasn’t friends with him for 2 decades or that Opie used to make Burr wait an hour just to get on the air. Opie is the phony one

What the fuck did he expect? Louis was so loyal to Howard that he wouldn't even come on O&A to talk about his HBO show even after they spent the better part of a year giving it free promotion. How is it a shocker that he abandoned you when you weren't needed anymore?

What a faggot. I hate listening to Opie bitch when someone wouldn't do the show. I remember listening to a clip a few weeks ago where Opie trashed Conan because Conan didn't ever come and do the show. First of all I doubt Conan does any radio aside from Howard and second of all he owes you Jack fucking shit. He was on NBC at the time and guess what Opie? Got to actually host the tonight show for awhile you faggot.

I remember listening to a clip a few weeks ago where Opie trashed Conan because Conan didn't ever come and do the show.

Love that clip, nothing was better than him trying to stop everything several times throughout the segment to try and get a "FAHK Conan!" rant going and getting nothing from everyone else in the room.

Come on, he might be a tit-having fool but he's not wrong.

"All together.." he really does have the reading & comprehension level of a fucking mongoloid.

He's got balls though - to be as stupid as he waa and reveal to everyone in a serious, honest moment on radio that he was so smart in high school, "I was told I was supposed to be a fawking doctor, scientist or some shit".

You could make an Opie Form Letter out of this statement, just leave a _________ where any celebrity's name should fill in that's ever done their show, ever. Opie's been trotting out this butthurt bullshit since the minute Marconi walked out of the patent office.

Mentions never hanging out with him outside the show. Opie is so weird about these guys not actually being his friends.

I'm all for bashing Opie, but this is literally the facts. It doesn't come off as jealousy to me. That's what happened.

Anyway, Opie sucks, but at least he isn't a star cock sucker like Norton.

Only because they won't let him.

Huh. I guess they just weren't that close...


--the "SHOW FRIEND THAT GOT TOO BIG FOR THE SHOW" cuts equally both ways, he's just too dumb to notice.

how many celebrities were "HUGE FRIENDS OF THE SHOW" in the 2000's when they were on some popular TV show or in some band at the time that couldnt get booked to save their life 8 or 9 years later??

how many survivor cast members, jersey shore cast menbers, ect.