Notorious antisemite Joe DeRosa shares his opinion on recent Hollywood sex scandals.

226  2017-11-12 by alamanluke


he does look like a white supremacist in this photo

Idk Joe Rosie but he’s has good points, fuck kikes

I hear he's a terrible friend. No shoulder to lean on.

henny youngman over here

The titan on whose shoulderless shoulders the perpetrators of the next Holocaust will stand.

more like "the liberators"

the Holocaust is a complete fabrication

Jesus Christ Joe

His views on black people are equally repellent in their bluntness and hatred.

"The Negro race ... is marked by black complexion, crisped or woolly hair, compressed cranium and a flat nose. The projection of the lower parts of the face, and the thick lips, evidently approximate it to the monkey tribe: the hordes of which it consists have always remained in the most complete state of barbarism." - Joe Derosa - 2015.

I would have believed this however Joe isn't that articulate.

Well, you're right. This is actually a quote from scientific racist and "the father of palaeontology" Georges Cuvier.

He simultaneously believed that vertebrate palaeontology, the expansion of Linnaean taxonomy by grouping classes into phyla and incorporating both fossils and living species into the classification etc, was the proper method of classifying pale-ontological methods/areas of research.

He also believed black people were closer related to monkeys than humans. Was he a product of his times? History should be the judge.

father of palaeontology

Who names their son palaeontology? Poor kid probably got bullied.

His shortform was "pal" so it worked out in the end

Did he feel as though white people were also related to monkeys but further along in evolution or something else? Please be my Google.

Hey now don't make me start liking the guy!

I've got to say, I think I've really, really misjudged Joe.

Here is Joe "no shoulders" deRosa belittling Troy Quan about dressing too young for his age. Now here he is at 50 with tats and a Motörhead tshirt?! What a fucking insecure idiot.

I think that day really got to him. At the end it's him basically pleading for mercy from a guy who's just a 'civilian'.

Joe DeRosa never won an argument on that show, Troy Quan destroyed him and Dr. Steve crumpled him up and tossed him out like yesterdays trash. Reminder he considers himself a professional comedian and had absolutely zero comebacks or one-liners.

Is he trying to be a greaser now? The shit tat and Motorhead shirt don't make you a badass you eternal shrug.

Probably couldn't even tell you the title of any Motorhead album.

That "tattoo" of his, is what his victims assholes look like after he gets done.


When I met Joe in person he screamed this verbatim at a random guy with a big nose and then proceeded to hit on my great grandmother.

I thought for a second that he'd gotten his awful "KKTITN" tattoo smothered in black ink out of desperation and embarrassment.

He's too edgy for me these days

Mr. Potatohead lookin ass nigga

Well if this Stand-Up fantasy doesn't work out, he can always fall back to his good looks.

Keep Kickin Them Into the Ovens

Lemmy did love his Nazi memorabilia.

Was that the title of his Netflix special?

What did he get blacked out on his arm??

Jody Rosa

Something about that nose just screams, "punch this fucking thing off of my smug face."

lol did he black out his KITTEN tattoo?

Did he finally admit it was a horrendous mistake.

What was the story? Carlin told him "keep kicking them in the nuts" but it turned out he says it to everyone?

Joe looks like you would imagine a wet fart would look in a cartoon

This Harvey Weinstein story really does make every single Jewish conspiracy theorist look really good. The whole using Mosad agents to go under cover to get information from the women. And much much more.

If it's true and they don't bother trying to hide it anymore, it's not a conspiracy.

Also, the ex Prime Minister of Israel is the one who introduced Harvey to the mossad agents.

Anyone who pays an iota of attention to what happens in the world knows Jewish supremacy is real. You don't have to spend hours reading Daily Stormer to see the Quanspiracy - it's right there on the front page of the Times and the Post. That's how absolute it is - they've gotten to the point where they can do it openly and not fear reprisal.

My muddah always said don't you neva trust those people Chippah, they'll use every trick in the book to get you to go bleed out to death in a desert to protect their ethno apartheid state while they breed all other races out of existence. A saint on Eart, my muddah.

I legit forgot he existed.

Nice tat, fag

look at his shoulders. he’s got a torso of a 14 year old girl

That's not a man, that's a frog.

His arm goes right to the chest...perfectly straight line

Looks like Jared Fogel been working out.

I thought we turned around on Joe after he did Better Call Saul


He was terrible on that show

Kiss those 2 minute cameos on Better Call Saul goodbye.

It's like his arms just connect right to his neck. Shoulderless motherfucker

look,he's egyptian-he can't help it- anti-semitism is his CULTURE! ok


I hate his 'cool guy' haircut.

Poor muug doesn't have the hairline for it.


whoah easy joe. you're fuckin with someones livelyhood.

50-year-old with tats and a Motorhead t-shirt.

When did it become acceptable for old men to pretend they're teenagers?

have you heard Jim Florentine's ketchup bit?

Joe "The Sephardic Aryan" DeRosa.

The amount of things in this picture infuriates me.

What am i supposed to tell my black friends?

'Don't worry, millennials. I get it.'


Pretty well thought out actually

Firm but fair.

This post came just as Joe Derosa breathed a sigh of relief, thinking we had forgotten about him.

Nice tattoo, was the artist Stevie Wonder.

lol on what type of radar does derosa even exist anymore ?

He can no longe speak to Louis. What would he tell his female friends.

I didn't realize Mary Jean wore glasses.

Joe "Gas the Kikes Race War Now 1488" Derosa

More inspiration to never get a tattoo.

I'm very happy I'm not him

Lemmy did love his Nazi memorabilia.

Was that the title of his Netflix special?