I like little Jimmy, but...

50  2017-11-12 by wellbabycheck

I listened to him comment on CK, and he said that, paraphrasing, he is really careful at work to not sexually harass someone. But isn't he the one who had sex with a woman in Ron and Fez's old office? I'm not saying he has ever sexually assaulted or harassed anyone but that does not sound like the actions of a man who was always careful about that stuff at work.


He fucked up somewhere. We all know alcoholic Jim.

Jim rubs his dick under the desk any time a pornstar is in the room and he doesn't even ask permission first. He's one layer of gay little maroon skinny pants from being 3 times worse than Louis.

I'm just waiting until his ICLOUD is hacked and we see the real reason why he was smashing and drowning hard drives in the sink.

He tried to flirt with intern Dana then trashed her on air for being creeped out by him

That normal 19 year old girl was way out of line to be repulsed by a 45 year old bald slithering nematode.

It's like when they hired the girl interns and Anthony couldn't figure out why two 18 year old girls didn't want anything to do with a pock faced 50 something year old alcoholic. They seem genuinely creeped out by Ants vibe.

He also asked several questions to the girl from "Cop Show" about her pussy, which Colin described as creepy.

Please tell me this was irl and not part of the script.

Commenting to hear the backstory aboot this

It was not. They discussed it on O&A.

he'd be a rapist if he wasn't more interested in being humiliated by other men fucking women in front of him then using his mouth for cleanup duty.

Hipocrite Norton sends can base after another comic because his girlfriend decided to stop podcasting with him.

You know I like Jimmy but what's he doing?

You can't imagine the horror I felt when reading that.

He said sagely

Was the girl of questionable age?

Yes and yes.

Everyone knows this but no-one can seem to remember the source (including me). How the fuck do we know this again?

The show got scrubbed off the replay I think.. they just make mention of it now and again in later shows

It was the day before Thanksgiving the year they started on XM. Troy Quan was in with his shitty band Wolfpac, but nothing really happened on air. They doled out bits and pieces of what happened over the next few weeks.


I think it was just that they were under 21 and being served from the jager machine in studio. Still not good in today's climate that he had sex with a girl under 21 who was so drunk the ambulance had to be called. That would definitely be defined as rape by today's standards.

Can you imagine the headlines hitting the news today?

That's the level of hypocrisy the Worm has reached.

He fucked and cummed in more than a handful of young dumb broads in the old O&A days. He literally got out of his work seat to fuck a girl in the bathroom.

Jim is such a fucking detestable worm. Shit like this makes me realize he has more flaws and is a bigger piece of shit than Ant. At least Ant wears his on his sleeves. Jim is a hypocritical faggot now, its really sad as he was the most edgy and hate filled of the bunch when things were good. Now I don't know you know? It's a tough situation.

I'm not convinced Jim isn't 100% okay with Ant liking 14yr olds either. I don't remember a single time he ever called him out for it, when almost everyone else has beyond an Uncle Paul joke... (Bobby, Vos, Opie, etc).

Didn't some girl(?) blow him on the WOW bus, or whatever it was called, and then spit his cum into the ice around the keg? Yea, he's a pillar of the SJW community now. Fuck him. Chip for President!!

& an important part is that it was in the same time as Louis. In the allegations Louis didn’t jerkoff infront of anyone after 2002. In 2003 he masturbated on the phone & in 2005 he asked & took no for an answer. O&A got back on satellite in 2004.

So you’re talking about height pervision Jimmy. I have no doubt there are 100 stories worse than Louis

If Jimmy supposedly got so much anonymous pussy back in the day then why is he such a girly low-T homo now

He used to jerk off in the back seat of Jim Florentine’s car while driving home from gigs. I remember then talking about how Norton would just freely jerk off whenever he wanted. This was probably around the same exact time Louis did his “misconduct”. Late 90s/early 2000s.

What kind of guy would jerk off in a friends car,while being driven home.Holy shit.Creep of all creeps.

a gay exhibitionist?

Sanctimonious Puke

first off,why do you like jimmy??!! he's the fucking worst-Opie is just a pathetic non-entity,but jimmy thinks he's an "elite" "entertainer". he's a bigger creep than ant-that's saying something. in fact,he's brother joe tier...

He was fucking intern Lilly from the Ron and Fez show back in 2007

Is this real? and how much did he pay?

Per Danny Ross on Reddit last year. Said jimmy hooked her up with Bob Eatman as an agent which led to her gig on Weaze's show.

Didn't he jerkoff in the back seat of Bob Levys car while Florentine and Levy were in the front

I like Jimmy, but we're just not that close.

the real jim norton is an ass hurt queer bait that got upset because intern dana found him creepy.