I know you guys love John Olivier. This is his latest.

0  2017-11-12 by [deleted]


I just love how so many networks think Americans want to be lectured to about the malfunctioning elements of our government by faggots and niggers from shittier places that are just sitting there while Muslims butcher people in the street. Trevor Noah is the worst example of this. Niggers weren’t even allowed in the mall until 1996 in his home country and there he is telling me how fucked up things are here. I’d like to pistol whip that arrogant blue gum.


Edgy guy with a hot take.

He looks like a diseased ferret.

I noticed that rat faced fuck finally got his teeth fixed.what's the deal with English teeth and dentist.

Worse than Opie and Kumail Street Shitter combined.

Why do foreigners shit on countries that have welcomed them?

theyre faggots

Because they are smart and educated enough to understand how democracy works and liberals and conservatives should know that having billions of dollars of our taxes go to retarded religious shit like this is a serious problem.

Is it the least bit concerning (to anyone outside this sub) that John Oliver, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, and Stephen Colbert all came from the daily show? They all have huge platforms now and millions think these are independently minded people while they are all cut from the exact same fabric. Just one big goddamn hive mind circle jerk, while the masses are under the illusion of choice.

I'm sure it's just a (((coincidence))) goy!

Which one of these people is a Jew?

Probably one or two but they are hand picked by the chosen people.

None of them is a Jew, so what's the coincidence? Oh, they were hand picked? Yeah, that's how tv shows and most jobs work.

you lost me at masses... just like witches at black masses, dvv dvv

These aren't huge platforms, faggot. John Oliver gets like 500k viewers a week, less than many infomercials or the weather channel. Stop being concerned by non problems, you cunt.

Your content was at retarded at your typing tone, congrats.

Hey, you're the one who's "concerned" by some shitty cable TV shows that barely anyone watches. Congrats, you sound like a bored housewife.

Exactly, their audience numbers are shit. Limbaugh, hannity, glenn beck, mark Levin and Alex Jones absolutely dwarf them.

Is this where he talks about U.S. unemployment approaching below 4 percent, GDP growth for the last quarter being 4.6 percent and hundreds of thousands of jobs being added every month, more jobs than initially forecast? Or would that make CHEETO HITLER DRUMPFTARD look too good?

Those measurements can be extremely misleading. But I bit John Oliver would LOVE to use those against Trump if he could.

Employment, GDP, and Jobs all increased throughout Obama's presidency. They continue to increase because, before Obama, a Republican retard nearly destroyed the country.

Nah uh

Bush had nothing to do with the recession. Obama had the slowest recovery rate since the great depression. The month after he leaves office the stock market begins record breaking gains, trumps rhetoric and tax plan has brought great optimism.

The stock market reflects industry sentiment, not reality. Yeah, When your candidate says he will suck corporate cock that happens.

No shit. A confident stock market = investment and higher consumer spending which = jobs. That's why the jobs numbers are smashing their projections. He isn't sucking corporate cock, when was the last time you saw obama going after companies for moving jobs abroad? Who is he disregarding?

I love the Entourage bit. A show about masturbating the Hollywood lifestyle that gave rise and enabled Weinstein behavior is their shining example of anti-intellectualism. When the show came out it was wildly popular in the industry. When it became a cultural bro touchstone they wanted nothing to do with it. TLDR; I’m not pro-Entourage but I’ve received a billion times more enjoyment from that mindless shit than I ever have from this fucking asshole and every other Daily Show alum combined.

Can we send Anthony to the UK and have him bitch about what mopey little jerkoffs their country has become?

To be honest, I just want to see him get arrested for one of England's dumb-ass speech crimes.

I’m all in with the John Oliver. He might be a Brit cunt shaming America but nobody in amaerica is calling out the bullshit. We are all jerking off each other. “Trump!!!” “Communism” everyone is fighting each other. At least this faggot points out some of the misses we need to pay attention. peckahs!

DUMB FAG he’s a dumb fag