Do you ever wish that O, A or J will be named in one of these sex scandals?

14  2017-11-12 by TinKnockinMoroccan

But as like 1 of 500 other people in a famous celebrity's child pornography ring. That way they're still an insignificant footnote to history.


Opie should be totally forgotten within hours of his death by anyone that isn’t part of his immediate family.

Please tell me what is going on

Tranth is a disgusting ghoul.

Just an average German family posing with their refugee.

That is fucking creepy.Anthony I get.That family not so much.

"That photo is what america 2025 will look like if we don't stop the tide of the progressive nightmare" alex jones

Adam Savage, Alice Krige, one of the aliens from Arival, Ceres the largest asteroid in the solar system, a fawkin tiny tiger or sumthin, and a confused black girl found themselves near a Christmas-themed display in a Nordstrom’s and decided to ask a passer-by to take an impromptu photo.

i hope jimmy is guilty of something just barely more offensive than louis's shit. just so he has to eat his self-righteousness and still be lower

Norton had sexual contact/experiences as a child (an indicator for future pedophilia), and is almost proud of himself when he says "thank god im not attracted to kids, i never got that one".... which means during one of his extended porn sessions he probably stumbled upon child porn and locked it up in a forbidden hard drive

He’s 100% a pedo allegedly

cakestomp #shitcamgate #suelightning #fingerbiter #wheresmygun #hebrokemyhand o@a have already had their moments. and jim is just too lame and boring....

Ant is a time bomb. The only reason he hasn't been ruined is because he ruined his own career before anyone else could.

they're page 60 nobodies


I mean Anthony is a convicted abuser that had his mugshot spread across the NY papers. A year earlier he was in the papers again for an online racial tirade.

I think it’s safe to say Anthony is no stranger to scandals and is considered the Ty Cobb of radio by many

I hate dumb whores more than any former radio talent...
Except maybe Opie. I hope a bunch of fat men filmed shitting come forward

I really want jim taken down for sexual deviancy.

No I don't

And who are all these new guys posting threads? Go away.

Anthony will get accused of something eventually