So we rooted for Louie's destruction for 7 years and now that's happened 95% of the posts here are in support of him

16  2017-11-12 by PeachyCheekz99

Am I missing something here? When did r/opieandanthony become r/mensrights. When Opie finally offs himself we better not have memorial threads.


It's because people are comparing what he did to what harvey and spacey did you downy

Dis guy iz fawkin ironman or sumthin

Tss YEAH or paper towelz n shiznit dvv dvv

Good, I’m glad that old fag is getting thrown in the mix with Spacey and Weinstein. Another liberal sissy being cannibalized by his own. I hope they all accuse each other until there’s nobody left in power except bitchy feminist cunts. Then when they realize they can’t do anything without real men, we will fuck them all and put them back in their place. Maybe these niggers and dykes need to see first hand how much they actually need straight white men before it’s really too late.

I miss Opie

Haha. Yeah. I wish he had a show again. With his guys of course

yea, hes not really a rapist and not a kid fucker:I was hoping his movies/next projects would just bomb or Trump maybe deport him. This is just kinda an empty feeling/victory...

They're not supporting him, they're bashing internet feminists taking a victory lap over nothing. They ignored what he did when it was trendy to say he was the greatest modern comedian in America, then queef on his grave when it's trendy to say he's pure evil.

Like when they were rubbing their fat clits over the Louie episode where the fat bitch gives him the speech, if scumbags like us were trying to tell them what he did they would have trashed us. So it's the hypocrisy, not that Jew Wetback himself.

To piggyback on your statement, the cultural war is a war on white men, a way of life that stifles creativity, freedom, and comedy for the sake of controlled, acceptable speech, and feelings of white guilt. These people yelling about cultural Marxism have a point.

And to piggyback on your comment, Opie is a retard with huge tits.

Louie has lost his livelihood for engaging in consensual sex with an adult.

I see my stupid SJW friends gloating about this 'victory' on Facebook and it sickens me.

We're getting dangerously close to 1984 here, a point where men are going to be ruined for wrongthink.

Because we're contrarians

I would have been fully on board if he were actually being a hypocrite and raped some girls. Instead, he's getting busted for being a perv and performing some consensual sex acts. It just isn't the way it should have happened.

Louis Scezkersberg or whatever the fuck his real name is can go fuck off and die. He's a sellout in the worst way - plays a regular joe sixpack 'workin class ole irish american white guy' but goes home and becomes a massive left-wing faggot with his pedophile partner Woody and this artsy-fartsy unfunny-is-funny switcheroo. So fuck that guy.

I wonder if Sarah Palin can see Louis jerkin from her window.

I wonder if Louis CK was one of the ignorant NY comics making those hacky jokes?

It surprised me a little because I had been told NY liberals were the smart educated types. For some reason they didn't know Russia and Alaska are side by side.

This is a common expression "you can see Alaska from the backyard". Its nearly a slogan for tourism but it's not much of an exaggeration if you do want to go to the back of Alaska (top really) you really would be able to see Russia on a clear day.

You also hear that sometimes "On a clear day you can see Russia". which would be literally true ... though I cannot say how many people have actually stood there on a clear day and identified Russian land. Maybe at peak Summer with and standing on a chair.

Of course, for all practical purposes, they are just connected together and share a border .. well... sorta. In a sense. It depends how clogged up the Bering Straight gets. People have tried to walk across (NOT recommended).

Of course, you could try and hop across to Russia (or Russian to Alaska) but then you'd have some very serious military issues on either side. Not surprisingly, Russia and the USA have very large military build up side-by-side.

Which is more the point when asked if she has experience dealing with International issues. It's not just that they can see Russia from their backyard. It's that they have major issues with Russian military and international incidents to deal with. Add Canada to that. Add a major international shipping lane to that and yes she sure does.

But it was funny seeing how many comedians and pundits were totally ignorant of that. Even of basic geography.

Glad you solved that little controversy from 2008.

Glad you solved that little controversy from 2008.

It's from 8 hours ago. It wasn't a controversy. People here talk about many thing from 10 years ago. And the entire subreddit is about a radio show that hasn't existed for years.

Get with the program already.

Holy shit ur gay

I already know you are. But what am I?

Louie was funny in the beginning.But once you go SJW and your hypocrisy is exposed.It makes the fall from grace so Much better.

I actually secretly love artsy Louis. I thought Horace and Pete was amazing and was really looking forward to this new movie. I'm a nerd.

We wanted him taken down a peg, not taken down all the pegs.

We hate him because he's a phony sellout who quit comedy.

We support him because he didn't do anything wrong.

When did r/opieandanthony become r/mensrights.

I should really introduce you to a comedian named Patrice O'Neal. He was on O&A quite a bit actually.

If you think this is a reasonable and understanding community you’re in the wrong place.

This is a factually inaccurate post

Glad you solved that little controversy from 2008.

Holy shit ur gay