All this rapist shaming must stop; it is extremely offensive to my people.

30  2017-11-12 by AfricanRapeGuy



"The only time I take off my sandals, is to rape."

We feel your pain, Russell Peters.

Behead those who bitch about rape!

This 4chan/9gag shit sucks. Fuck off stupid.

bad hangover?


Have some lentil soup.

Well yeah

I always enjoy it when an O&A sub big wig completely misjudges the mood on a post.


The fact that you think anyone on this sub is a “big wig” is fucking laughable.

I'm just tugging your Peter, pal.

Shut up bitch.


Well now I just hope you're the first person to die of gout.

That just hurts. Like my large toe...

They already tried this with the Wolfenstein "controversy"

Even moral relativism has it's limits

What did that horseshit game try to do to be politically poignant?

I played the first 15 minutes of the game, and your character is flashing back to his childhood where your mom is Jewish with a heavy European accent, and your dad is a racist with a mustache and bolo tie who says "nigger", beats your mom, and then makes you shoot your dog.

I just wanted to light up some Klansmen, but I didn't feel like being preached at for hours before it got to that point.

I can't tell if you are being serious. Who the fuck would think that was a good idea for a video game? Do they not know gamers?

100% serious, super serial if you will.

It was so ham handed and manipulative, you'd have to be really dumb to donanuh but cringe at it.

Oh yuck. Bethesda really fucks every IP they're put in charge of. Killing your dog? What kind of strawman tryhard evil is this shit?

So? You can still enter into legally-binding contracts.

Now say thank you.