Sam Roberts

13  2017-11-12 by fingerofgawd


It’s like a giant balding fetus

Someone didn't get their tendies

The name is Opie Roberts.

I really fucking hate Sam. Jim just annoying the hell out of me with his holier than thou act but Sam..

Sam has never contributed anyone in the way of a funny or intelligent conversation. He needs to go.

He’s looking at a picture of real food.

"This isn't what I ordered, they're supposed to be shaped like dinosaurs!"

His hairline looks like it needs braces

Eraserhead is just a recording from his video baby monitor.

A combination of the dad and the kid

Can someone tell me for honestly if this is actually a nigger or part of a nigger or what the fuck it’s it ok I don’t listen to this fucking guys show okay but his race is hard to pin down

Yeah just a big forehead that’s all